This repo contains data for the publicly available datasets listed below. Each subfolder also contains papers and readme files (if any) associated with that dataset. The sample R file gettingDataIntoR.R shows how the data can be read into R. ========== ========== Datasets: ========== Advertising Data used for the paper What is advertising content worth? Bertrand, Karlan, Mullainithan, Shafir and Zinman (2010) ---------- Charitable Data used for the paper Does Price matter in charitable giving? Evidence from a large-Scale Natural Field experiment Dean karlan and John List ---------- IV datasets Data used for the paper Does compulsory school attendance affect schooling and earnings? Angrist and Krueger (1991) and related papers. ---------- Mobilization Data for the paper Comparing Experimental and Matching Methods Using a Large-Scale Voter Mobilization Experiment Kevin Arceneaux, Alan S. Gerber and Donald P. Green (2006) ---------- Project STAR Data from the project Tennessee's Student Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project C.M. Achilles; Helen Pate Bain; Fred Bellott; Jayne Boyd-Zaharias; Jeremy Finn; John Folger; John Johnston; Elizabeth Word, 2008. ---------- School vouchers Data for the paper Vouchers for Private Schooling in Colombia: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Experiment Angrist, Bettinger, Bloom, King, and Kremer (2002) ---------- Secrecy Data for the paper Ballot Secrecy Concerns and Voter Mobilization: New Experimental Evidence about Message Source, Context, and the Duration of Mobilization Effects Gerber, Hubers, Biggers, Hendry (2014) ---------- Social Data for the paper Social Pressure and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment Gerber, Green, Larimer (2008) ---------- Welfare Data for the paper Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects in survey experiments with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Green, Kern (2012) ----------