
"Hey gamers! We've got fantastic news! With our new app, you can easily access popular games, search for your favorite ones to see their ratings, release dates, and visuals. You can add your beloved games to favorites and manage them as you wish. Check out the detailed descriptions of games on the detail page and make smarter choices! Download now and explore the world of gaming! 🎮🚀"


  • Detailed Game Info from VideoMusic API is displayed.
  • Play Pronunciations of Words.
  • Store Last Searched Words in CoreData.


  • UIKit
    - CollectionView
    - SearchBar
    - StackView
    - TabBarViewController
    - PageViewController
    - NavigationController

  • AutoLayout

  • CoreData

  • UITest

  • UnitTest

  • Delegation Pattern

  • This application is written as modular.

  • MVVM Design Pattern

  • MVVM


  • Download or clone the project.
  • The project is ready to use. Enjoy! :)

Application Videos

*You can watch the promotional videos of the application

Application Images

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