
A REST api server based on express.js and Typescript. Support to mongo db added using mongoose package . Express validation middleware added for validation.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Express Typescript Rest API

A REST api server based on express.js and Typescript. Support to mongodb added using mongoose package . Express validation middleware added for validation.

Using jwt and bcrypt packages for encryption.

Using Jest and SuperTest packages for testing.

Using swagger-ui-express for API documentation.

How To Start

  • clone repository
  • rename .env-demo to .env and change env variables
  • install node_modules using npm install

Available NPM Commands

  • npm run dev run in development node_modules.
  • npm run start run in production mode.
  • npm run build take build.
  • npm run test run tests.
  • npm run seed seed database.

Folder Structure

Folder Description
src/bin www file is from where the project starts
src/config all the configuration files
src/controllers all the controller files (route handlers)
src/db files related to database and schemas
src/middlewares available middlewares
src/services database queries and business logic
src/util helper functions
src/validators validation files
src/swagger swagger documentaion file

API Documentaion

vist /api-docs for api documentation generated using swagger.
