
Traefik in Docker with HTTP basic auth configured.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MLflow Production Docker


Traefik in Docker with HTTP basic auth configured. MLflow Production Docker

A production ready1 docker-compose deployment of MLflow using Traefik with HTTP Basic Auth.

1 This project is provided as is, and without a warranty of any kind, see LICENSE for full details.


Install requirements:

  • Apache Utils (provides htpasswd command)
  • GNU gettext (provides envsubst command)
sudo apt-get install -y apache2-utils gettext

Create a new .htpasswd file with a single user (using Bcrypt hashing):

htpasswd -cB config/.htpasswd <username>

Add additional users with:

htpasswd -B config/.htpasswd <other_username>

Create a .env in the root directory with the following variables completed:

# connection settings
# tell the user where they are logging into
# required for letsencrypt certificate email updates
# Database settings
# Mlflow settings
# If using bentoml for deployment

Finally write a traefik.yml config file using the .env variables:



Start all containers:

docker-compose up -d --build

MLflow is accessible on port 443 over HTTPS (port 80 redirects to 443). Use the username and password you created above to log in.


The metadata database for mlflow is configured to use an RDS database in a private subnet (no internet access). In situations where we need to directly access the database, we need to set up ssh tunneling. In order to do this run the following:

ssh -i "private.pem" -f -N -L 5433:<RDS-host>:5432 <ec2-user>@<ec2-endpoint> -v

This create ssh tunneling allowing you to connect to tracking database with the host localhost port 5433 and the expected other credentials (1password).

NOTE: The "private.pem" key here is the one used to ssh into the server.

For further information, look here.

Deploying locally

In order to run this with https locally or without a domain name - Use self generated certificates:

From the root of the project, generate certificates using mkcert :

# If it's the firt install of mkcert, run
mkcert -install

# Generate certificate for domain localhost "*.localhost", <ip_address>
mkcert -cert-file config/certs/local-cert.pem -key-file config/certs/local-key.pem "localhost" "*.localhost"
  • Ensure that you replace the tls setting in the dynamic config file for web-secure-router (config/dynamic/config.yml) - Use tls: {}
  • Uncomment tls certificate definition in config/dynamic/tls.yml and verify that the path to the certificates is correct.