Stories - Summarization and Question-Answering


The scrapy projects to download aesop fables and short stories from reedsy are in scrapers

  1. Run "scrapy crawl BedtimeStories -o bedtimestories.jsonl" to retrieve reedsy short stories
  2. Run "scrapy crawl aesop -o aesopfables.jsonl" to retrieve aesop fables.


  1. Run to clean and export aesop fables to a csv file
  2. Run to clean and export reedsy short stories to a csv file
  3. The generated csv files are stored in data/aesop and data/bedtimestories respectively

Data Annotations

  1. aesopfables.csv is divided into aesopfables-train.csv and aesopfables-test.csv
  2. bedtimestories.csv is divided into bedtimestories_train.csv and bedtimestories_test.csv
  3. The above train and test files are annotated using Haystack Annotation Tool.
  4. The annotations in SQuAD format are stored in data/qa-squad.
  5. The annotations in csv format are stored in data/qa-csv.

Data Summarisations

  1. Around 50 aesop fables are summarised and stored in aesopfables-summaries.csv for model evaluation purposes

Models - Summarization

  1. notebooks/summarization_abstractive_bart.ipynb
  2. notebooks/summarization_abstractive_long_t5_tglobal_xl.ipynb
  3. notebooks/summarization_abstractive_pegasus.ipynb
  4. notebooks/summarization_extractive_bert.ipynb
  5. notebooks/Q_A_Summarization_pretrainedmodels.ipynb

Models - Question and Answering

  1. notebooks/Q_A_Summarization_pretrainedmodels.ipynb
  2. notebooks/Omniscient_Reader_Finetuning_BERT.ipynb



Summarization was done on the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone using extractive summarization methods provided as part of the 'sumy' package.

  1. lex_rank
  2. luhn
  3. lsa
  4. text_rank