
It is a Canteen Management project which deals with the operations like Items records, sell and purchase records, the bill generated, quantity left, prices, and so on. It is made up of using C++ and SQLite.

Primary LanguageC++


  • It is a canteen management system.
  • This project is made up of using c++ and sqlite3 .
  • In this project sqlite3 is embedded with c++.



How to Download in linux(Ubuntu)

  • As, I made this project in Linux (Ubuntu), so for installing in ubuntu you can follow the bellow commands -:
Download sqlite3 software library :
 sudo apt update
 sudo apt install sqlite3
Checking successfull install :
  1. Open the terminal and write sqlite3 , if it is successfully install it will opens the sqlite3 terminal otherwise not.

Project Details

  • This Project consist of three files :
  1. CMS.cpp file i.e main code file
  2. dbfile.h i.e user defined header file
  3. canteen.db i.e database file

Username And Password to Run The project

  1. USERNAME : username
  2. PASSWORD : password

In order to run the project in terminal in your system follow the command in linux

 g++ CMS.cpp -l sqlite3
  • Don't forget to add -l sqlite3 otherwise it will show error.