
Edit on StackBlitz ⚡️

Step 1: to use GoogleMaps api you need to have a maps KEY (Create API key credentials)

  • Go to the Google Developers Console.
  • From Side Menu go to APIs & Services -> Crdentials -> Create Credentials -> API Key (Copy the key)

Use this key in your code

s.src = "{ PASTE_KEY_HERE }&libraries=places&callback=initMap";

Step 2: We have to enable few APIs

  • Go to API Manager
  • Click on Overview
  • Search for below APIs and Click on Enable button
    • Geocoding API
    • Geolocation API
    • Maps JavaScript API
    • Places API

Here is the working Stackbliz

Here is the Github repo, if you have any issues post here in github.

Happy Coding :-)