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Django rest framework with JSON web token authentication, The project was meant to provide a rest API for login registration and booking slots to advisors.
An Deep learning project can be used to detect the age group of an individual. As it's been very hard to depict a person's age by human eyes too. So the model is trained to achieve the age group of a person with 98% accuracy.
The app can be used to sell your old books to another person. This app was build using flutter and for database, storage and authentication I have used firebase. For selling books people can upload there books and it will be shown in timeline of other people where they can chat directly to buyers and buy the book.
A brute force python script is used to create and Bruteforce random password to a website. You just need to provide where the page is redirected on successful login. Here I have attached a PHP server file for testing.
A Community chat website with THREE Js great effects. The website was build for learning PHP, SQL, and cookies, so the focus was not well on UI. The website else is fully functional and working well.
These Scripts create the folders and number of files required by the user in the folder with proper extension specified. The best feature is you can easily run your c++ and python files with one single command.
The project was build using java.io.sockets that act as endpoints of communication. hereby using that I have implemented file transfer that involves a client and a server that communicate with TCP sockets and io readers for reading files and restoring them.
This app was built to record all the transactions you do with your friends and family. The app was build using java and for the database, we have used the firebase database and for authentication, we used firebase auth.
This Node js was built to provide a base to all the node js projects as it involves basic home page login/signup page and authentication with great three js effects.
This Project was build to detect faces in images or currently provided (realtime) video. Used open cv to fetch and process the image/frames from videos and to detect faces used haar cascade classifier.
AkhilRautela's Repositories
These Scripts create the folders and number of files required by the user in the folder with proper extension specified. The best feature is you can easily run your c++ and python files with one single command.
This Project was build to detect faces in images or currently provided (realtime) video. Used open cv to fetch and process the image/frames from videos and to detect faces used haar cascade classifier.
A Community chat website with THREE Js great effects. The website was build for learning PHP, SQL, and cookies, so the focus was not well on UI. The website else is fully functional and working well.
Django rest framework with JSON web token authentication, The project was meant to provide a rest API for login registration and booking slots to advisors.
The app can be used to sell your old books to another person. This app was build using flutter and for database, storage and authentication I have used firebase. For selling books people can upload there books and it will be shown in timeline of other people where they can chat directly to buyers and buy the book.
A brute force python script is used to create and Bruteforce random password to a website. You just need to provide where the page is redirected on successful login. Here I have attached a PHP server file for testing.
The project was build using java.io.sockets that act as endpoints of communication. hereby using that I have implemented file transfer that involves a client and a server that communicate with TCP sockets and io readers for reading files and restoring them.
This Node js was built to provide a base to all the node js projects as it involves basic home page login/signup page and authentication with great three js effects.
A three js 3d world model that simulates a 3d view of a scene. The camera is position at the center of the sphere and an image is mapped inside that provides a 3d view and with orbit control, we can rotate the camera.
This is my first website build completely using my phone. This is a previous version of ChatBox2 and it's implemented to learn PHP, SQL, and HTML.
This app was built to record all the transactions you do with your friends and family. The app was build using java and for the database, we have used the firebase database and for authentication, we used firebase auth.
An artificial intelligence model to simulate Polynomial regression on a random dataset created using NumPy.
An Deep learning project can be used to detect the age group of an individual. As it's been very hard to depict a person's age by human eyes too. So the model is trained to achieve the age group of a person with 98% accuracy.
Repository for profile readme.md
This React web app involves a global chat option with a firebase database and a memes page that fetches data from a REST API.
The project was intended to create an HTTP server that works on port 80. This is a custom server where you can change the port and provide the required HTML in the html field and required js in the javascript field and it will be delivered to the client requested the page.
Queuing system is a java server-client communication using java socket. It involves a queuing of client in a server and add them to a file.
Linear Regression Model build using TensorFlow and gradient descent optimizer.
An artificial intelligence model to simulate logistic regression on a random dataset created using NumPy.
This app tended to make you never felt bored. This contains a wheel of fortune and It can select a random option and perform the desired action like playing music, random call etc.
Visualizes user data from codeforces.com using the official API
model created with mixing of two deep learning techniques CNN + LSTM for sentimental analysis for increasing accuracy and runtime.
This is my Vimrc configuration with a bash script that I created to run python and c++ files with one click. I have added some of the great vim plugin and easy key binding that will help you out while coding.