
ElasticSearch Cluster -- ElasticSearch Nodes -- APM Server -- Kibana Server -- Snapshot Cronjob

Primary LanguageSmarty

elasticsearch Helm Chart

This deployment using ES version 6.8.0, will not support version 7.x.x

All the YAML files are for Azure Deployment, but you can update the Yaml file to use any other cloud platform (gcp serviceaccount mounting configuration missing and the service.yaml file having azure related configuration for example....)



Current software

  • Alpine Linux 3.8
  • OpenJDK JRE 8u171
  • Elasticsearch 6.8.0 -- 6.8.0

Kubernetes Cluster Requirement

  • cluster of 3 worker nodes (HA Configuration)
  • medium / high IOPS Required for the vm type
  • 2vcpu and 8 GB RAM for each worker ndoes
  • premium Storageclass needed for better performance

ES Cluster Features

  • High Available (HA) Cluster on Kubernetes
  • Self Healing Configuration for all nodes
  • anytime can scale the cluster size (both horizontal and vertical)
  • Authentication and Authorisation enabled with custom configuration and plugins
  • The default cluster have the following components (can be increase the number anytime without downtime)
    • 3 master nodes
    • 3 data nodes
    • 2 client nodes
    • 1 Kibana Server
    • 2 APM server

Custom Values.yml files

  • ES Cluster Deployment : only-es-cluster-value.yml
  • ES Node Deployment : only-node-value.yml
  • Kibana Deployment : only-kibana-value.yml
  • APM Deployment : only-apm-value.yml
  • Cronjob Deployment : only-cronjob-value.yml

Authentication for ElasticSearch and Kibana

ES version 6.8.0 Docker image have plugin readonlyrest plugin, and so youy can enable the authentication for elasticsearch with the following environment Variables

This kubernetes deployment by default enabling the authetication for elasticsearch and kibana. If you don't need authetication you can simply remove the AUTH_CONFIG environment variable.

These are the default Credentials for the deployment until and unless you remove the AUTH_CONFIG environment variable.

The Usernames are hardcoded but you can override this credentials (only passwords) by updating these environment variables from Configmap (I already gave it as an example in the deployment part) or from secrets in kubernetes

Note: API Server, Kibana Server and ES-HQ Server need kibanAdmin credentials for accessing the cluster

User Name Variable Name Default Value Description
kibanAdmin KIBANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD ARHelmKibanaAdmiNSecreT Have full permission on the ES cluster and kibana dashboard
kibanaUser KIBANA_RO_PASSWORD ARHelmKibanaRoSecreT Have readonly access on ES cluster and kibana dashboard
LogAdmin PUSHLOG_PASSWORD ARHelmLogPusHSecreT Password for elasticsearch authetication (used by log shippers)
- APM_TOKEN ARHelmApMTokeN token for communicate with APM server

Note: x-pack-ml module is forcibly disabled as it's not supported on Alpine Linux.

Kubernetes Deployment

Note: These following environment and its default values are giving below, it is customised for dockerized deployment in K8s but will degrade the performance (MEMORY_LOCK false)


kubernetes issue : Not support new ES version


kubectl create ns elastic-cluster
helm repo add ar-repo https://akhilrajmailbox.github.io/Elasticsearch-Helm

helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name elasticsearch:

$ helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the elasticsearch deployment:

$ helm delete elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster

Deployment Strategy

ES Cluster Deployment (Master, Data and Ingest Nodes are running on each server)

Cluster Topology

To install the chart with the release name elasticsearch to install ES Cluster Configuration Only :

$ helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster -f only-es-cluster-value.yml

ES Node Deployment (Master, Data and Ingest Nodes are running on same server)

Node Topology

To install the chart with the release name elasticsearch to install ES Node Configuration Only :

$ helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster -f only-node-value.yml

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


Parameter Description Default
es.enabled enable cluster for es (client, data, master in separate node) true
node.enabled enable cluster for es (client, data, master in each node) true
apm.enabled enable apm server true
kibana.enabled enable kibana true
image.repository common registry for es (client, data, master) akhilrajmailbox/elasticsearch
image.tag common tag for es (client, data, master) elasticsearch-6.8.0
image.pullPolicy common pullPolicy for es Always
EsAuthAutoCreation.enabled enable authetication in helm true
EsAuthAutoCreation.auth_config enable authetication true
EsAuthAutoCreation.apmToken apm token ARHelmApMTokeN
EsAuthAutoCreation.kibanaAdminPass Kibana Admin pass ARHelmKibanaAdmiNSecreT
EsAuthAutoCreation.kibanaRoUserPass Kibana User Pass ARHelmKibanaRoSecreT
EsAuthAutoCreation.esClientPass ES Client Pass ARHelmLogPusHSecreT
cluster_name cluster name ar-es
EsSnapshot.enabled enable snapshot false
EsSnapshot.azureblob.enabled enable azure blob snapshot in helm nil
EsSnapshot.azureblob.azureSnap enable azure blob snapshot nil
EsSnapshot.azureblob.account_name azure blob account name true
EsSnapshot.azureblob.account_key azure blob account key nil
EsSnapshot.gcs.enabled enable gcp bucket snapshot in helm nil
EsSnapshot.gcs.gcsSnap enable gcp bucket snapshot true
EsSnapshot.s3.enabled enable s3 bucket snapshot in helm nil
EsSnapshot.s3.s3Snap enable s3 bucket snapshot true
EsSnapshot.s3.access_key s3 access key nil
EsSnapshot.s3.secret_key s3 secret key nil
EsSnapshotCronJob.enabled enable cronjob deployment in k8s false
EsSnapshotCronJob.image.repository cronjob deployment image repository akhilrajmailbox/elasticsearch
EsSnapshotCronJob.image.tag image tag cron-snapshots
EsSnapshotCronJob.image.pullPolicy image pull policy Always
EsSnapshotCronJob.myenv deployment env production or development development
EsSnapshotCronJob.host elasticsearch host nil
EsSnapshotCronJob.snapindices indices for snapshot nil
EsSnapshotCronJob.indicesdeldays delete indices older than indicesdeldays 90
EsSnapshotCronJob.snaprepo snapshot repo name nil
EsSnapshotCronJob.snapdeldays delete snapshot older than snapdeldays 365
node.enabled enable node cluster es false
node.replicaCount replicacount 3
node.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
node.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
node.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
node.java_opts java_opts for master -Xms4G -Xmx4G
node.number_of_master min required number of master 2
node.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
node.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
node.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
node.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
node.service.discovery.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 9300
node.service.discovery.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
node.service.discovery.annotations Service annotations {}
node.service.client.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 9300
node.service.client.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
node.service.client.annotations Service annotations {}
node.service.type type of services LoadBalancer
node.persistence.name name of persistence es-data
node.persistence.enabled Use persistent volume to store data true
node.persistence.size Size of persistent volume claim 50Gi
node.persistence.storageClassName Type of persistent volume claim nil
node.persistence.accessModes Persistence access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
master.replicaCount replicacount 3
master.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
master.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
master.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
master.number_of_master min required number of master 2
master.java_opts java_opts for master -Xms1G -Xmx1G
master.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
master.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
master.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
master.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
master.service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 9300
master.service.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
master.service.annotations Service annotations {}
data.replicaCount replicacount 3
data.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
data.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
data.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
data.java_opts java_opts for master -Xms4G -Xmx4G
data.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
data.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
data.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
data.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
data.service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 9300
data.service.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
data.service.annotations Service annotations {}
data.persistence.name name of persistence es-data
data.persistence.enabled Use persistent volume to store data true
data.persistence.size Size of persistent volume claim 50Gi
data.persistence.storageClassName Type of persistent volume claim nil
data.persistence.accessModes Persistence access modes [ReadWriteOnce]
client.replicaCount replicacount 2
client.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
client.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
client.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
client.number_of_master min required number of master 2
client.java_opts java_opts for master -Xms1G -Xmx1G
client.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
client.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
client.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
client.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
client.service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 9200
client.service.type type of services LoadBalancer
client.service.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
client.service.annotations Service annotations {}
apm.esAdmin elasticsearch username to connect to ES nil
apm.esPassword elasticsearch password nil
apm.esUrl elasticsearch URL nil
apm.apmToken APM Server Token nil
apm.image.repository common registry for apm akhilrajmailbox/elasticsearch
apm.image.tag common tag for apm apm-server-6.8.0
apm.image.pullPolicy common pullPolicy for apm Always
apm.replicaCount replicacount 2
apm.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
apm.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
apm.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
apm.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
apm.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
apm.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
apm.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
apm.service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 80
apm.service.type type of services LoadBalancer
apm.service.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
apm.service.annotations Service annotations {}
kibana.esAdmin elasticsearch username to connect to ES nil
kibana.esPassword elasticsearch password nil
kibana.esUrl elasticsearch URL nil
kibana.image.repository common registry for kibana akhilrajmailbox/elasticsearch
kibana.image.tag common tag for kibana kibana-6.8.0
kibana.image.pullPolicy common pullPolicy for kibana Always
kibana.replicaCount replicacount 1
kibana.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable Pod disruption minimum available nil
kibana.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable Pod disruption maximum unavailable nil
kibana.priorityClassName priorityClassName nil
kibana.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
kibana.nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
kibana.tolerations Toleration labels for pod assignment []
kibana.affinity Affinity settings for pod assignment {}
kibana.service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 80
kibana.service.type type of services LoadBalancer
kibana.service.protocol Kubernetes service protocol TCP
kibana.service.annotations Service annotations {}

Kibana Server Only

To install the chart with the release name elasticsearch to install Kibana server Only :

$ helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster -f only-kibana-value.yml

APM Server Only

To install the chart with the release name elasticsearch to install APM Server Only :

$ helm install elasticsearch ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster -f only-apm-value.yml

Scaling Considerations

client nodes

We can deploy autoscalers for our client nodes depending upon our CPU thresholds. A sample HPA for client node might look something like this:

NOTE : you have to install and configure matrics in your cluster

apiVersion: autoscaling/v1
kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  name: es-client
  namespace: elasticsearch
  maxReplicas: 5
  minReplicas: 2
    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
    name: es-client
  targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80

Whenever the autoscaler will kick in, we can watch the new client-node pods being added to the cluster, by observing the logs of any of the master-node pods.

data nodes

In case of Data-Node Pods all we have to do it increase the number of replicas using the K8 Dashboard or GKE console. The newly created data node will be automatically added to the cluster and start replicating data from other nodes.

master nodes

Master-Node Pods do not require autoscaling as they only store cluster-state information but in case you want to add more data nodes make sure there are no even number of master nodes in the cluster also the environment variable NUMBER_OF_MASTERS is updated accordingly.

PVC Resizing Configuration


  1. Delete all the pods which are using pvc (delete the StatefulSet)
  2. edit all pvc with as follows
kubectl -n elasticsearch edit  pvc storage-es-data-0

update the storage entry.

  1. redeploy the StatefulSet

The LOG Battle: Logstash and Fluentd

  • source data processing pipeline
    • Logstash
    • Fluentd
  • lightweight shippers
    • Filebeat
    • Fluentbit



installation 1

installation 2


Environment variables

This image can be configured by means of environment variables, that one can set on a Deployment.


Mount a shared folder (for example via NFS) to /backup and make sure the elasticsearch user has write access. Then, set the REPO_LOCATIONS environment variable to "/backup" and create a backup repository:


  "type": "fs",
  "settings": {
    "location": "/backup",
    "compress": true
curl -XPOST http://<container_ip>:9200/_snapshot/nas_repository -d @backup_repository.json`

Now, you can take snapshots using:

curl -f -XPUT "http://<container_ip>:9200/_snapshot/nas_repository/snapshot_`date --utc +%Y_%m_%dt%H_%M`?wait_for_completion=true"

azure blob storage and snapshots

For configuring the Azure blobe storage as snapshot registry, first create the blobe storage account in azure and then you have to configure the following environment variable for the es deployment

variable name default value description
AZURE_REPOSITORY_CONFIG - This value should be "true" to enable the snapshots
AZURE_REPOSITORY_ACCOUNT_NAME - configure the blob storage name
AZURE_REPOSITORY_ACCOUNT_KEY - configure the key1 or key2 value here

Google bucket and snapshots

create secret gcp-es-sa-token with your serviceaccount.json file as follow :

kubectl -n elastic-cluster create secret generic gcp-es-sa-token --from-file=/path/to/serviceaccount.json
variable name default value description
GCS_REPOSITORY_CONFIG - This value should be "true" to enable the snapshots

Note : Create one service account json file and mount it to "/opt/secrets/serviceaccount.json"

AWS s3 and snapshots

variable name default value description
S3_REPOSITORY_CONFIG - This value should be "true" to enable the snapshots
S3_ACCESS_KEY - configure the access key for s3
S3_SECRET_KEY - configure the secret key for s3

register the snapshot repository


note : i am using the sub container name backup-container in here, you can give any name here but you have to create the container in the storage account before starting the elasticsearch

curl -XPUT '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "azure",
  "settings": {
    "account": "default",
    "container": "backup-container",
    "base_path": "backups",
    "chunk_size": "32MB",
    "compress": true


curl -XPUT 'http://kibanAdmin:ARHelmKibanaAdmiNSecreT@' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "gcs",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "essnapshot",
    "client": "default",
    "base_path": "backups",
    "chunk_size": "32MB",
    "compress": true


curl -XPUT '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "type": "s3",
  "settings": {
    "bucket": "my_bucket",
    "client": "default",
    "base_path": "backups",
    "chunk_size": "32MB",
    "compress": true

Deploy Snapshot Cronjob

Note : Please update the only-cronjob-value.yml file with your confioguration before deploying it. This cronjob will automatically create the snapshot for every 1 hr if the myenv environment is production

$ helm install es-cron ar-repo/elasticsearch -n elastic-cluster -f only-cronjob-value.yml

create a sample snapshot

curl -XPUT 'http://kibanAdmin:ARHelmKibanaAdmiNSecreT@' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "indices":"*","include_global_state":false }'

Backup and Restore Steps


  • Install plugin:-
sudo ES_PATH_CONF=/etc/elasticsearch/es-node-2 /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-azure
  • change the configuration:-
sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/es-node-2/elasticsearch.yml
cloud.azure.storage.default.account: xxxxxxxxxxx
cloud.azure.storage.default.key: xxxxxx
  • Restart ES Service:-
sudo systemctl restart es-node-2_elasticsearch.service
  • create Repo:-
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "type": "azure", "settings": { "container": "elasticsearch-snapshots", "base_path": "sunbirddevtele"} }'
  • create Snapshot:-
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup/snapshot_1' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "indices":"*","include_global_state":false }'
  • check status of backup:-
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup/_all'


  • Install plugin:-
sudo ES_PATH_CONF=/etc/elasticsearch/es-node-2 /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install repository-azure
  • change the configuration:-
sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/es-node-2/elasticsearch.yml
cloud.azure.storage.default.account: xxxxxxxxxxx
cloud.azure.storage.default.key: xxxxxx
  • Restart ES Service:-
sudo systemctl restart es-node-1_elasticsearch.service
  • create Repo:-
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "type": "azure", "settings": { "container": "elasticsearch-snapshots", "base_path": "sunbirddevtele"} }'
  • Delete unwanted indices:-
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/_all
  • Restore from snapshot:-
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/azurebackup/snapshot_1/_restore'

Reference links ::


es-azure snapshots plugin

es-azure plugin description

blob-storage and snapshots 1

blob-storage and snapshots 2