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👋 Hi there!

I'm Akhlak Hossain Jim, a self-taught Frontend Developer with over 4 years of experience in creating and maintaining responsive, interactive web applications using cutting-edge web technologies. I possess a track record of delivering high-quality products on time and within budget, both as an independent contributor and as part of a collaborative team. My strengths lie in problem-solving, critical thinking, and analytical reasoning, and I'm known for my adaptability and commitment to continuous learning.

🚀 My passion revolves around crafting user-friendly and visually captivating web experiences. My expertise spans various tools and technologies, including React, Next.js, Bootstrap, Tailwind, Styled-components, Git, GitHub, Netlify, Vercel, Firebase, and Figma. Learn more about me here.

"The world is constantly evolving and introducing more innovations than ever before. That's why it's not just about technology; it's about how a piece of tech or software makes you feel. And it all starts by connecting with you." - Akhlak Hossain Jim

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📬 How to Reach Me

🔍 See My Projects

You can check out my latest projects here.

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🚀 Looking for Code Help?

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn if you need assistance with your code.

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🌟 Hobbies

Debating, Traveling, and more.