
ProjectX Task (Front-End Development)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Blood Donating Companie's Front-end Website 'demo', created by Akhlak Hossain Jim with HTML, (S)CSS, React.js, and icons from Material UI. View Live Demo here.

Viewing the demo

As it is a demo first of all some pages are not finished properly. You can see these pages

  • Home or Welcome page -- click start Journey.
  • You will land on the Sign In page from there you can view Dashboard by clicking Login Button or instead you can click Sign Up to see Sign up pages.
  • After viewing all Sign-Up pages you will land again on the Sign In page By --click the Login button.
  • You Will land on the Dashboard page --click Profile.
  • You will land on the request page --click <-Request.
  • You will land in the second phase of the profile page --click Notification.

That's all

Working With Code

Working with the code is so easy

First, download the zip file.
After downloading, open the folder in the terminal (Powershell or cmd) and run `npm install`, and
You are good to go and play with it.

Folder Structure

Working folder structered in below nasting tree:

    ./asset --(all components, pages, documents or files)
        ./components --(all components)
        ./pages --(all pages)
        ./images --(images)
    ./css --(compiled css in comprased format)
    ./scss --(precompailer of css)
        ./base --(base or core styles :: imported fonts :: typography)
        ./components --(all components styles)
        ./pages --(all pages styles)
        ./main.scss --(all scss files are imported here)
    ./App.js --(App is self and Router)
    ./imdex.js --(App used and puted to index.html)

Using code

All codes and style sheets are in the same name. All signUp file styles are defined in a single file named _signup.scss. All dashboard styles are defined in _dashboard.scss named file. But working with these files is also easy they all have commented names written before rules. I tried to name all class names relative to the component. I tried to define all styles for pages that are so specifically targeted for better usability.


I used the PWA template to make the app installable. In the src folder index.js file you will find this line of code


Edit that to


Run npm run build.


* This is only a front-end code.
* The code is not responsive for small devices (yet).