The official repository of DRL-Net.

Primary LanguagePython


The official repository of CaDReL for NIPS2024.

Environment setup


Clone the repository and create the cadrel using:

    conda env create -n cadrel
    conda activate cadrel

Then download spacy data by executing the following command:

    python -m spacy download en

Data Preparation

To run the code, annotations and visual features for the COCO dataset are needed.Please download the zip files containing the images train2014.zip val2014 and the annotations fileannotations.zip.To reproduce our result, please generate the corresponding feature files (COCO2014_RN50x16.hdf5)using the code in the folder.


To evaluate the results of your model, you can use test.py in CaDReL/Camel/utils folder. To evaluate the models on coco online test, you can use online_test.py

Training procedure

Run python run.py to train your model. Args saved in main.py.

Argument Possible values
--exp_name Experiment name (default: CaDReL)
--batch_size Batch size (default: 65)
--workers Number of workers (default: 0)
--resume_last If used, the training will be resumed from the last checkpoint
--resume_best If used, the training will be resumed from the best checkpoint
--annotation_folder Path to folder with COCO annotations (required)
--image_folder Path to folder with COCO images (required)
--clip_variant CLIP variant to be used as image encoder (default: RN50x16)
--distillation_weight Weight for the knowledge distillation loss (default: 0.1 in XE phase, 0.005 in SCST phase)
--ema_weight Target decay rate of Mean Teacher paradigm (default: 0.999)
--phase Training phase, xe or scst (default: xe)
--disable_mesh If used, the model does not employ the mesh connectivity
--saved_model_file If used, path to model weights to be loaded
--N_dec Number of decoder layers (default: 3)
--N_enc Number of encoder layers (default: 3)
--d_model Dimensionality of the model (default: 512)
--d_ff Dimensionality of Feed-Forward layers (default: 2048)
--m Number of memory vectors (default: 40)
--head Number of heads (default: 8)
--warmup Warmup value for learning rate scheduling (default: 10000)