Drone Monitoring App

This app is designed to monitor and track drones in a 500 by 500 meter square, and provide information about pilots who have recently violated the no-fly zone (NDZ). The no-fly zone is a circle with a 100 meter radius, centered at position (250, 250) meters.

Check out the app at http://aki78.pythonanywhere.com/bird. Warning: the website is not active anymore.

The server at pythonanywhere.com seems to be unstable (even with the paid prescription), and crashes for no reason sometimes so there is a chance the data won't update. Please come back in a few hours if the auto-update isn't working. It usually fixes itself.

The app retrieves data about drone positions and pilot information from two endpoints:

assignments.reaktor.com/birdnest/drones provides snapshot data about drones in the area in XML format. This data is updated about once every 2 seconds.
assignments.reaktor.com/birdnest/pilots/:serialNumber provides information about a drone's registered owner in JSON format, based on the given serial number.

The app persists pilot information for 10 minutes after their drone was last seen by the monitoring equipment, and displays the closest confirmed distance to the nest. The app also displays the pilot's name, email address, and phone number. When the app is opened, it immediately shows the pilot information from the past 10 minutes. No manual refresh is required to see up-to-date information. Technologies

This app was built using:

Python and the Flask web framework
Requests for making HTTP requests
xmltodict for parsing XML data
React for frontend
MySQL for database


This app will automatically fetch and store data about pilots who violate the NDZ at regular intervals. The interval is set in the POOL_TIME constant in the config.py file.

The endpoints in flask are:

fetch_recent_naughty_pilots: This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of pilots who have violated regulations in the past 10 minutes.


Every NDZ zone violation is stored in the MySQL database.
The list of pilots violating the past 10 min is stored in RAM independently for optimization perposes.
Only pilots who violated are stored for privacy conserns.

Possible Issues

The app might not work on some browsers since it wasn't tested on every browser. (Especially on mobile phones)
If you don't see any information, the server might be down.
If the data is not updating every 2 seconds, the timer might have stopped.
If you use https instead of http, it might not work.

Note: This webapp will automatically fetch and store data about pilots who violate regulations at regular intervals (the interval is set in the POOL_TIME constant in the config.py file).