A Scrcpy client in Rust & Tarui aimed at providing mouse and key mapping to control Android device, similar to a game emulator
Pinned issues
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[BUG] 设备连接超时
#71 opened by SIXGODLI - 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
[Feature] 希望能增加直接点击屏幕的功能
#76 opened by forcyan - 1
[Feature] 可以加一个长按的按键种类
#75 opened by lwtzyz - 0
#74 opened by crazyn2 - 2
- 0
#72 opened by JSCSZZSS - 1
- 0
[BUG] 准星逻辑问题
#69 opened by YitianDevelop - 1
[BUG] 准星功能异常
#68 opened by BuShouFan - 2
[BUG] 获取不到手机画面,但是可以操作手机
#51 opened by HumanMus1c - 0
[BUG] 投屏连接失败
#67 opened by baizai123 - 1
#66 opened by z582986307 - 1
[Feature] 能否弄个连点?
#58 opened by x67449123 - 1
[Feature] 淘宝那种王座好像是蓝牙通讯的那种又是如何实现的呢
#64 opened by lozn00 - 2
#65 opened by sasayunoki - 1
[Feature] 请求在releases中添加适合windows的便携式软件包
#63 opened by cool-chill - 1
#60 opened by Zzzzpgz - 0
[BUG] 移动轮盘断触、按键失效
#62 opened by refwww - 2
[BUG] Windows10系统运行scrcpy-mask不显示UI
#61 opened by refwww - 0
- 1
#57 opened by vejunbl - 1
[Feature] Support keyboard input
#56 opened by boa-z - 2
- 1
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网易mumu pro中是否可能通过机型伪装等行为通过模拟器检测,实现玩手游不封号?
#19 opened by AkiChase - 1
[BUG] 无法检测到通过homebrew安装的adb
#53 opened by juzijun233 - 2
[BUG] Key mapping migration mistake
#52 opened by boa-z - 1
[Feature] Add Support For ScreenStream
#40 opened by NpTIme - 2
right click and hold functionality
#46 opened by narendersaini32 - 6
#43 opened by taotao1523 - 1
- 1
[BUG] Window error when start
#41 opened by NpTIme - 0
[BUG] 视角右转
#37 opened by taotao1523 - 4
[BUG] 横屏无法使用
#34 opened by taotao1523 - 0
- 0
- 6
[BUG] AppImage does not start with Arch Linux
#29 opened by VINTX2 - 4
[Feature] 添加对 FPS 准心移动的支持
#24 opened by by-justin - 6
[BUG] 蒙版尺寸大于电脑屏幕尺寸时无法操作
#25 opened by L7RLBsmOOYt7Ypha - 2
#26 opened by L7RLBsmOOYt7Ypha - 10
#23 opened by dylanbai8 - 2
[BUG] Linux 无法使用
#20 opened by sf467 - 1
[BUG] Blank screen on Windows
#17 opened by max20091 - 6
MAC OS intel 10.14.6安装后点击没反应
#15 opened by wuhen8 - 1
#13 opened by aogg - 3
[BUG] The skill indicator direction isn't consistent with the mouse in "The Honor of Kings"
#5 opened by AkiChase