ArticleManagement WebHook Sample

This project is a sample about how to develop and maintain webhook system with a message broker

Tech Stack

  • .Net 5.0
  • Postgresql RDBS
  • Rabbit MQ (Message Broker)
  • Masstransit
  • Redis
  • MediatR
  • Publish-Subscribe Pattern
  • Domain Driven Design
  • CQS
  • Docker Container


This project is an article management system. We can insert article with integration codes and also we can send asynchronously this article data to all integration project.

  1. run docker-compose up command in "ArticleManagementSystem" folder
  2. Create an user in First Journal Api project
  3. Create an user in Second Journal Api project
  4. Insert settings about these integration projects in Article Api project.
  5. Insert an article data with integration codes in Article Api project and check this article data in integrations projects

I am sharing screenshots about how we can try this webhook system and see results.

Use "register" to create an user for integrations

Insert settings datas about integration projects

Insert an article with codes in Article Api

You can see the article data in First Journal Api

You can see the article in Second Journal Api

How Can log in In Integration Projects?

We should use related IdentityServer projects to login in integration projects

First Journal Api Client Id = fj.api.client

First Journal Api Client Secret = fj.api.secret

Second Journal Api Client Id = sj.api.client

Second Journal Api Client Secret = sj.api.secret