
This repo serves as a comprehensive collection of mobile application development projects completed during the HNGX Mobile Internship program.

Primary LanguageC++


Repository Description

Welcome to the hngx_mobile_internship repository, a comprehensive collection of mobile application development projects completed during the HNGX Mobile Internship program. This repository is organized into different stages, with "stage_one" containing the initial project.


This GitHub repository serves as a testament to the dedication and growth of the HNGX Mobile Internship participants. It offers insights into their journey and accomplishments in the world of mobile app development. Each stage in this repository represents a unique milestone in the internship program, showcasing the progression of skills, knowledge, and achievements in the field of mobile app development. While "stage_one" features a mobile application with personal details, subsequent directories such as "stage_two," "stage_three," and so on, will highlight additional projects and advancements as the internship continues.


  • Mobile Development
  • Internship Program
  • Project Showcase
  • Mobile App
  • HNGX


Contributions from HNGX Mobile Internship participants are welcome. If you have any suggestions, improvements, or projects to add to a specific stage, please follow our contribution guidelines outlined in each stage's README.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to use or modify this description when creating your repository on GitHub, and adapt it for future stages as needed.