code submission to NeurIPS2019

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is for code submission to NeurIPS2019 of the paper "Discriminator optimal transport"(arXiv, errata). We need pretrained models to execute following demos. For 2d demo, all pretrained models are included in this repository. Some DCGAN pretrained model files on CIFAR-10 and STL-10 can be downloaded from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UpWndW2xz0X8XaQZNyfSOjyiTbMfWEVs?usp=sharing if you like. Please put the files to trained_models/. On ImageNet, we used the pretrained models available on https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m04Db3HbN10Tz5XHqiPpIg8kw23fkbSi.


DL framework for python is chainer.


Experiments in the paper can be excuted by

  1. 2d_demo.ipynb
  2. execute_dot.py
  3. execute_dot_cond.py
  4. execute_mh.py

1. 2d_demo.ipynb:

This notebook executes 2d experiment on DOT. All necessary files are included.

2. execute_dot.py:

The python script file executes latent space DOT for CIFAR-10 and STL-10 using trained models. Because of Licence issue, we cannot supply GAN training code here, sorry. For example, please train your model by using the repository: https://github.com/pfnet-research/chainer-gan-lib.

To calculate inception score and FID, you need each dataset and mean+std matrix on 2,048 dimensional feature space of inception model. Some scripts in https://github.com/mattya/chainer-inception-score are used below. Before running codes below, please clone inception_score.py and download.py to this ditectory.

All necessary files on computations for score can be installed by following below. torch and torchvision are required to execute load_dataset.py, and tensorflow is also necessary to execute download.py downloading inception model to measure inception score and FID.

$ python load_dataset.py --root torchdata/ --data cifar10      # download CIFAR-10 and making training_data/CIFAR.npy
$ python load_dataset.py --root torchdata/ --data stl10        # download STL-10 without labels and making training_data/STL96.npy
$ python load_stl_to48.py --gpu 0                              # making downscaled data training_data/STL48.npy
$ python download.py --outfile metric/inception_score.model    # download inception model
$ python get_mean_cov_2048featurespace.py --data CIFAR --gpu 0 # calculating mean&cov in 2,048 feature space and saving it to metric/CIFAR_inception_mean.npy and metric/CIFAR_inception_cov.npy
$ python get_mean_cov_2048featurespace.py --data STL48 --gpu 0 # to metric/STL48_inception_mean.npy and metric/STL48_inception_cov.npy

After that, one can execute execute_dot.py to perform the latent space DOT with OPTIONS

--gpu : GPU id.
--G : Generator filename in trained_models/.
--D : Discriminator filename in trained_models/.
--transport : dot or naive.
--optmode : adam or sgd.
--lr : float for SGD updates.
--N_update : the number of SGD update of each sample by DOT.
--showing_period : the period for log-file under scores/.
--k : if 1, k_eff in DOT is fixed 1. if not specified, k_eff is calculated.

For example,

$ python execute_dot.py --G DCGAN_G_CIFAR_SAGAN_NonSaturating_140000.npz --D DCGAN_D_CIFAR_SAGAN_NonSaturating_140000.npz --transport dot --optmode sgd --lr 0.01 --N_update 10 --showing_period 5 --gpu 0

executes latent space DOT by using the specified models in trained_models/ by applying 0, 5, 10 times sgd with lr 0.01. The log of IS and FID will be written under scores/uncond_year_month_day_time.txt by using 50000 samples.

3. execute_dot_cond.py:

The python script file executes conditional DOT. To run it, we need


in the directory trained_models/ The npz data is in public: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m04Db3HbN10Tz5XHqiPpIg8kw23fkbSi

In addition to it, please clone directories


to this directory.

The inception model which is explained in 2 also needed, and as a final requirement, we need mean and cov in inception model 2,048 feature space of the imagenet dataset. After calculating it, save them to


This step can be skipped just by using cifar's features by using option --data CIFAR of this script. OPTIONS are same as 2, and the log-file will be saved to scores/cond_year_month_day_time.txt.

4. execute_mh.py:

execute_mh.py executes the re-implemented Metropolis-Hastings GAN sampling with OPTIONS

--gpu : GPU id.
--G : Generator filename in trained_models/.
--D : Discriminator filename in trained_models/.
--N_update : the number of SGD update of each sample by DOT.
--showing_period : the period for log-file under scores/.
--calib : if True, calibration is applied to the discriminator.
--initdata : if True, data's certain minibatch is chosen as initial states of the Markov Chain. The update is repeated until generated data is accepted.

For example,

python execute_mh.py --gpu 0 --G DCGAN_G_STL48_SAGAN_NonSaturating_140000.npz --D DCGAN_D_STL48_SAGAN_NonSaturating_140000.npz --calib True --initdata True --N_update 10 --showing_period 5

executes MH-GAN sampling by using the specified models in trained_models/ with Markov chain length = 0, 5, 10 initialized by data itself, with calibrated discriminator. The log of IS and FID will be written under scores/MH_year_month_day_time.txt.