Full Stack Budgeting App Frontend

This is the Frontend of the Full Stack Budgeting App that allows the user to interact with the backend. This application has full CRUD methods with use of these routes:

Dev Instructions

If running this locally, use npm start to start the frontend. However the backend has to be running locally as well in order to get the transaction data to appear. The frontend defaults to port 3000 and the backend defaults to port 3001.

Both must be running in order to get the full application experience.

To close the application use ctrl + c to close the port.

Data Layout

    "id": "",
    "name": "",
    "amount": "",
    "date": "",
    "from": "",
    "category": ""



:id refers to a dynamic parameter on the API call

CRUD Description Route Method
Get All Transactions "/transactions" GET
Get individual transaction "/transactions/:id" GET
Creaete a new transaction "/transactions/new-transactions" POST
Delete an individual transaction "/delete-transactions/:id" DELETE
Update an individual transaction "/update-transactions/:id" PUT

Packages Used (BackEnd)

  1. React
  2. React-Router-Dom
  3. Bootstrap
  4. uuid
  5. Axios
  6. Chartjs (Deprecated)