
Dan Dixey's MSc Data Science Files

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Dan Dixey

City University and Personal Code

Contact Details

Contact Item Detail
Personal Email dan.dixey@gmail.com
Work Email dan.dixey@datagenicgroup.com
Mobile Number 07471688817
CV (PDF) Click Here
CV (Word) Click Here

Contents of Github

This Github contains a mixture of Data Science and Python experimention work (Torch too for Deep Learning)

Over the course of the Summer I been employed by DataGenic, as a Data Scientist, to develop a News Analytics System (NAS). The NAS will be bespoke in design, where output will be specific to the Commodity Industry. The system will be able to identify pertinent News/Tweets, Sentiment Analysis and Event Detection.

City University
Course Title Course Item Link
Neural Computing Report Click Here
Neural Computing Python Script Click Here
Big Data Report Click Here
Big Data Python Script Click Here
Intro. to Data Science Courseworks (x2) Click Here
Visual Analytics Literature Review Click Here
Visual Analytics Presentation Click Here
Visual Analytics Report Click Here
Research Methods Year 2 Started 2/10/2015
Machine Learning (ML) Year 2 Started 2/10/2015
Other Notable Items
Item Link
Spark EDX Course Click Here
Udactiy MongoDB Course Click Here
Spark SQL Experimentation Click Here
Torch7 Deep Learning Experimentation Click Here
Natural Language Processing (NLP) Click Here
Coursera Machine Learning Course (Stanford)[Started 9/10/2015] Click Here