
The coffee shop app is a new digitally enabled cafe for udacity students to order drinks, socialize, and study hard. The full stack drink menu application does the following:

  1. Display graphics representing the ratios of ingredients in each drink.
  2. Allow public users to view drink names and graphics.
  3. Allow the shop baristas to see the recipe information.
  4. Allow the shop managers to create new drinks and edit existing drinks.

Getting Started - Backend

Installing Dependencies

Python 3.7

This project uses python 3.7.

To Install: Python

PIP Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by navigating to the root directory and running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt file.

Key Dependencies
  • Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework.

  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM.

  • Flask-CORS is the extension used to handle cross-origin requests from the frontend server.

  • Auth0 Provides authentication and authorization as a service

Database Setup

The app is running with SQLite. No setup needs to be performed.

Running the server

From within the backend/src directory to run the server, execute:

export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run

API End Points

The following APIs are available. Detailed html documentation can be found in the 'docs' folder.

  • GET /drinks
  • GET /drinks-detail
  • POST /drinks
  • PATCH /drinks/
  • DELETE /drinks/

Error Handling

Errors are returned as JSON objects in the following format:

    "success": False, 
    "error": 400,
    "message": "Bad Request"

The API will return three error types when requests fail:

  • 400: Bad Request
  • 404: Resource Not Found
  • 405: Method Not Allowed
  • 422: Not Processable
  • 500: Internal Server Error


Testing is done with Postman. Load and run the test collection: .backend/udacity-fsnd-udaspicelatte.postman_collection.json

Full Stack coffee API Frontend

Installing Dependencies

Installing Node and NPM

This app depends on Nodejs and Node Package Manager (NPM). Before continuing, you must download and install Node (the download includes NPM) from

Installing Ionic Client

The Ionic Command Line Interface is required to serve and build the frontend. Instructions for installing the CLI is in the Ionic Framework Docs.

Installing project dependencies

This project uses NPM to manage software dependencies. NPM Relies on the package.json file located in the frontend directory of this repository. After cloning, open your terminal and run:

npm install

Running the Frontend

To run Ionic from the frontend directory run:

ionic serve