MyReads Project

Project - MyReads: A Book Tracking App

Table of Contents


  • The Udacity's MyReadsProject demonstrates a Student's mastery ofusing React to build the application and provides an API server and client library that you will use to persist information as you interact with the application.
  • The Student is provided with a starter project containing some HTML, CSS, JavaScripts, and React files.
  • The Student is responsible for creating a bookshelf app that allows an User to select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read. .

Getting Started

  1. Download the files to your computer.
  2. Clone the repository on your computer.
    • git clone

Local Development


  1. Node.js runtime environment needs to be installed on your computer. Please install by either going to the site or by using a package manager, npm is included in the install.
  2. A package.json file is include to facilitate serving the webpage. To install the http-serve module use the following command:
    npm install
  3. After the installation is complete, use the following command to serve up the site.
    npm start
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.


  • Node
  • create-react-app
  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-scripts
  • react-router-dom
  • prop-types
