This is a basic PHP class for using the API for Vend ( It is at a really basic state but it does exactly what I need at the moment. Feel free to add any issues/bugs and send me any pull requests.
require 'vendapi.php';
$vend = new VendAPI\VendAPI('','username','password');
$products = $vend->getProducts();
NB this will only grab the first 20 or so results. To grab all results set $vend->automatic_depage
to true
$vend->automatic_depage = true;
$products = $vend->getProducts();
$donut = new \VendAPI\VendProduct(null, $vend);
$donut->handle = 'donut01';
$donut->sku = '343434343';
$donut->retail_price = 2.99;
$donut->name = 'Donut w/ Sprinkles';
echo 'Donut product id is '.$donut->id;
$sale = new \VendAPI\VendSale(null, $vend);
$sale->register_id = $register_id;
$sale->customer_id = $customer_id;
$sale->status = 'OPEN';
$products = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$products[] = array(
'product_id' => $item->product_id,
'quantity' => $item->quantity,
'price' => $item->price
$sale->register_sale_products = $products;
echo "Created new order with id: ".$sale->id;
$vend->getProducts(array('active' => '1', 'since' => '2012-09-15 20:55:00'));
NB Check the vend api docs for supported search fields. If a search field isn't supported all results will be returned rather than the zero I was expecting
$coffee = $vend->getProduct('42c2ccc4-fbf4-11e1-b195-4040782fde00');
echo $coffee->name; // outputs "Hot Coffee"
if ($product->getInventory() == 0) {
$coffee->name = 'Iced Coffee';
To debug make a call to the debug()