
DKAN Open Data Portal. This is a mirror of http://drupal.org/project/dkan . This is an installation profile. For a fully made version see: http://github.com/nuams/dkan-drops-7

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status


What is DKAN?

DKAN is a Drupal-based open data platform with a full suite of cataloging, publishing and visualization features that allows governments, nonprofits and universities to easily publish data to the public. DKAN is maintained by Nuams.

Data publishers

  • Publish data through a guided process or import via API/harvesting from other catalogs
  • Customize your own metadata fields, themes and branding* Store data within DKAN or on external (e.g. departmental) sites* Manage access control, version history with rollback, RDF support, user analytics* Supported enterprise-quality commercial support and FISMA-certified cloud hosting options available

Data users

  • Explore, search, add, describe, tag, group datasets via web front-end or API
  • Collaborate with user profiles, groups, dashboard, social network integration, comments* Use metadata and data APIs, data previews and visualizations* Manage access control, version history with rollback, INSPIRE/RDF support, user analytics* Extend and leverage the full universe of more than 18,000 freely available Drupal modules

Hosting and support

Nuams' NuData platform offers 24/7, secure, cloud-based DKAN hosting and support services.


Downloadable Version 7.x-1-0


Drush Make

Create a full version with drush make:

git clone --branch 7.x-1.x https://github.com/nuams/dkan.git
cd dkan
drush make --prepare-install build-dkan.make webroot
cd webroot
drush site-install dkan --db-url="mysql://DBUSER:DBPASS@localhost/DBNAME"

Note: Recline previews require clean URLs


DKAN consists of three main components:

DKAN Distro

This is the installation profile that packages everything together. It included the DKAN theme, faceted search, and other elements.

DKAN Dataset

DKAN Dataset is a stand-alone module: http://drupal.org/project/dkan_dataset that provides dataset and resource content types. This is the foundation for the open data publishing. DKAN Dataset can be included in any Drupal 7 site.

The dataset nodes contain the metadata and the resource nodes contain the file or data itself. This is exactly how CKAN does it, but in Drupal. The metadata from the datasets are available in rdf(a) that is DCAT compliant as well as in JSON.

DKAN Datastore

DKAN Datastore is a stand-alone module: http://drupal.org/project/dkan_datastore that provides the ability to include uploaded files into a datastore and expose their components via an API. DKAN Dataset can be included in any Drupal 7 site.

Current Status

DKAN is about to release 1.0.

Contact us if you want to get involved!

DKAN development is a sponsored by NUAMS. For more information about hosting and professional support options for DKAN, see http://nuams.com/products


Please file all tickets for DKAN, including those that involve code in DKAN Dataset and DKAN Datastore modules in this issue queue.