
Sets up Sublime Text editor for Drupal development

Primary LanguageShell


Script to setup a Sublime Text 2 editor for Drupal development (Mac & Linux)

The installer include plugins and settings to configure the environment in order to speed up the Drupal Development process.

Plugins Included

Installer requirements

If you are installing in mac you must to install the wget command, you can follow the guide http://osxdaily.com/2012/05/22/install-wget-mac-os-x/

How to install

Installation Notes

Drupal Coding Standard

To use the Drupal Coding Standard plugin you have to install before PHP Code Sniffer , you check the installation process at http://drupal.org/node/1419988

Drupal Auto Compelte

To use the Drupal Auto Complete, you need to create a SublimeProject and save the project definition at the drupal document root where index.php is located

Key Binding

  • CTRL + Shift + t: Delete the trailing spaces
  • Super + Shift + a: Go to Drupal Api definition of selected function
  • Super + Shift + h: Go to documentation of selected function for languages PHP/JS and others
  • Super + b: Validate Drupal Code Standard in current file

Super Key stands for Command in Mac and Windows Key in Windows

Orginally forked from https://github.com/phase2/sublime-drupal/