
UE5 Demo project for 3D Gaussians Plugin

MIT LicenseMIT

3D Gaussians Plugin Demo Project

Youtube demo

Download packaged build

Packaged build of this demo project in EXE format is available here

System Requirements

  • Windows 10 64bit
  • Unreal Engine 5.3.0
  • 3D Gaussians Plugin 1.0
  • GPU which support DirectX 12


  1. Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/Akiya-Research-Institute/3dGaussiansPlugin-Demo
  2. Open 3dGaussiansPlugin-Demo/ThreeDGaussiansDemo.uproject
  3. Click Content Drawer > Add > Add Feature or Content Pack...
  4. Select Third Person on Blueprint tab and click Add to Project
  5. Click Play on Unreal Editor.
  6. Press Tab to change map. Press F to show FPS.

How to use demo

Demo includes "Garden" and "Bicycle" scenes using Mip-NeRF 360 data.

  • Move: WASD keys + Mouse
  • Change scenes: Tab key
  • Show FPS: F key
  • Quit demo: ESC key

Content details

  • Content/ThreeDGaussians/DemoMaps: Maps for demo scenes.
  • Content/ThreeDGaussians/DemoData/Bicycle: Imported data of training result of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Bicycle scene. Split by morton code.
  • Content/ThreeDGaussians/DemoData/Garden: Imported data of training result of 3D Gaussian Splatting for Garden scene. Split by the distance.
  • Content/ThreeDGaussians/DemoInput: BPs to define keyboard inputs for this project.