
Jisuanke last take-home challenge, supported by Vue.js + Django

Primary LanguageVue


  • A Bulletin Web Application, developed by Vue.js 2.x and Django 3.x + Django Rest Framework(DRF) APIs.
  • "Register, Login, Leave your Comment, and Thumbs Up"


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

in the directory of "frontend/installing-tailwindcss-with-vue-cli"

yarn serve

to run the front end.

And then make a container

docker run -it -p 8001:8001 -v `pwd`:/code --name guestbook python:39

Excute the container

docker exec -it guestbook /bin/bash

then in the directory of "backend/api"

./manage.py runserver

then it should work.

Basically I set my django environment into the docker, which is the instance of "python39" docker image. And Vue's dependencies are in my local PC. So your local environment should support Vue2... and Tailwind maybe.. or the CSS may probabaly cannot work.

