
This is a social network for developers. In this Project I have used Django and Django-Rest-Framework for Backend and React For Frontend.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

✍️ Social Network for Developers

This app is a Social Network For Developers. In this Project I have used Django and Django-Rest-Framework for Backend and React For Frontend.

Frontend( React )

To install dependency

npm install

To start the server

npm start

For Production Build

npm run build
  • I have used proxy for axios in package.json
  • You can set axios.defaults.baseURL = https://api.example.com Globally

Backend( Django )


open terminal and type

git clone https://github.com/Aklilu-Mandefro/social-network-for-developers-in-django-and-react.git

or you can download using the url below



To install requirements type

pip install -r requirements.txt

To use Github api put your credentials in settings.py

GIT_CLIENT_ID = 'your github client id'
GIT_CLIENT_SECRET = 'your github client secret'

To migrate the database open terminal in project directory and type

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

To run the program in local server use the following command

python manage.py runserver

Server will be available at in your browser

Don't Forget to whitelist your host origin using django-cors-header when using in production
See Documentation

Project Report

In case if you want the documentation of the project, kindly request here

Preview of The Project

Developers' social network

Developers' social network

Developers' social network

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  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch
  5. Open a Pull Request

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