Advanced Lane Finding

1. Camera calibration

The following two functions have been used to compute the camera calibration.

  1. findChessboardCorners
  2. calibrateCamera We use the around 20 images of the chess board taken using the camera in different angles and orientations. The array of points conatining the image points and the object points corresponding to the internal corners on the chess-board are found using the findChessboardCorners. These points are inturn fed into the calibrateCamera function to compute the camera calibration. The following are the output of of the findChessboardCorners drawn on the chess-board images which are used for calibration. alt tag

The following are the test_image and the corresponding un-distorted image(Result of the undistort functionality of the pipeline) alt tag



The following is the output of the undistort (This function can be found in the jupyter notebook file under section(In [64])) The camera calibration matrix mtx and dist are used along with the opencv function undistort to un-distort the image. alt tag


The following is the output of the unwarp (This function can be found in the jupyter notebook file under section(In [117]))

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In this step we use getPerspectiveTransform to transfor the src points on the images bounding the lane to change the perspective using the warpPerspective function from the cv2 library.

The src and dst points are hardcoded in the code to the following values.

src_pts = np.float32([(575,464), (704,464), (250,680), (1040,680)]) dst_pts = np.float32([(450,0), (w-450,0), (450,h), (w-450,h)])

The bounding box defining the src points on the image are drawin the image displyed above.


The following is the output of the treshold stage

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I have experimented with several combinations of thresholding techniques and finally used lab_bthresh and hls_lthresh (This function can be found in the jupyter notebook file under section(In [112]))

4. Lane detection

The functions Find_Lanes_Sliding_window is present in the section In [263] in the jupyter notebook. In this function we first detect the histogram of the binarywarped image which is the output of the previous step. Now we that we have histogram we find the local maxima on the left and right half of the histogram. The x cordinate of the left maxima and right (base x locations for left and right lanes).

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The function then identifies 10 windows from which to identify lane pixels, each one centered on the midpoint of the pixels from the window below. We follow this procedure by moving the window up-wards till we reach the top of the image. Pixels belonging to each lane line are identified and the Numpy polyfit() method fits a second order polynomial to each set of pixels. The image below demonstrates how this process identifies the lanes.

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5. Radius of curvature of the lane and the position of the vehicle with respect to center

I have used the following tuorial to implement this step of the pipeline this website and calculated Radius of Curvature and Distance from Lane Center Calculation This code can be found under function compute_curveature in the section In [264]

The vehicle position with respect to the center of the lane is calculated with the following lines of code:

lane_center_position = (r_fit_x_int + l_fit_x_int) /2
center_dist = (car_position - lane_center_position) * x_meters_per_pix

5. Overlay lane and text on the original Image

This part of the code can be found under function draw_lane and draw_text under section In [299]. The following is the final output of the pipeline for all the test images.

Also the output video can be found in the repository out.mp4

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6. Issues and problems encountered

most of the footage used in this porject is based on normal road conditions but having to detect lanes under snow conitions can fail using the current implementation also most of the problems encountered were due to shadows and light condition. This implementation can be futhrer improved to make amore robust algorithm using dynamic tresholding and also implment condifence level approach when one of the lanes are mssing. Given time I am confident this implmentation can be further improved.