
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

BookSharp: An E-book downloader library for C#

  • Currently I'm working on supporting 4 sites and more in the future: Gutenberg project, Ncore, Zlibary, MEK.
  • Books can be filtered by language and in the future by topics.
  • Sites are represented as "Providers" and they can be loaded through the “EbookManager” class.
  • Some providers require authentication those are derived from the "ProviderWithAuth" class.

Example search

EbookManager m = new EbookManager();
m.AddProvider(new GutenbergProvider());
m.AddProvider(new MekOszkProvider());
m.AddProvider(new NcoreProvider("USER", "PASS"));
m.AddProvider(new ZLibaryProvider());
List<Book> books = m.DoSearch(new List<Filters.Languages> { Filters.Languages.Hungarian }, 
  new List<Filters.Topics> { Filters.Topics.None }, title: "math");
string downloadURL=m.DownloadBook(books[0])


⚠️ At this stage this is just a proof of concept not all functionality works! ⚠️