
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo project of threejs + node + vite bundle. Generation of a labyrinth of various sizes and search for treasures in it. Демонстрационный проект связки threejs + node + vite. Генерация лабиринта различного размера и поиск в нем сокровищ.


Installation and launch instructions from threjs.org:

  1. Install Node.js. We'll need it to load manage dependencies and to run our build tool.
  2. Install three.js and a build tool, Vite, using a terminal in your project folder. Vite will be used during development, but it isn't part of the final webpage. If you prefer to use another build tool, that's fine — we support modern build tools that can import ES Modules.


npm install --save three


npm install --save-dev vite

  1. From your terminal, run:

npx vite

  1. If everything went well, you'll see a URL like http://localhost:5173 appear in your terminal, and can open that URL to see your web application.