- 3
Cannot run in SSR/Vue 3 due to floating-vue components
#1056 opened by bhaidar - 6
Performance issue on too many popovers ?
#1005 opened by bloor - 0
RTL support?
#1072 opened by jesspinklet - 1
`resize-observer` div doesn't have the data attribute
#1041 opened by badalsaibo - 0
Nuxt 3 with Webstorm VTooltip Unknown HTML Tag
#1070 opened by TheDogHusky - 0
Skidding not working
#1069 opened by piotrek-horodenski - 6
Tooltip behind the new <dialog /> element
#999 opened by marekvanicek - 0
Bordered style
#1068 opened by mrleblanc101 - 4
- 0
- 1
Add inline to Popper props
#1063 opened by mathieulebasic - 0
Hiding submenu hides main menu
#1062 opened by vukadinFE - 1
scrollbar flicker
#1061 opened by zjx-git - 2
dropdown causes parent's vertical scrollbar to flicker
#1057 opened by vladguan - 1
- 3
V-tooltip does not close when the pointer no longer hovers over the element (multiple v-tooltips on one page).
#1054 opened by timurerrant - 11
Popover @click isn't triggered on IOS
#1024 opened by RoyvanEmpel - 3
add prop to prevent hide on target click
#1034 opened by RAIbrahim360 - 0
- 1
Dropdown boundary is not taken into account
#1026 opened by unpseudocomplique - 2
#popper slot is not available
#1046 opened by sdr0x07b6 - 0
- 0
weird propagation behaviour (Menu inside another)
#1044 opened by demiro - 0
Tooltip content loses track when there are multiple instances with async content
#1043 opened by T1l3 - 0
v-tooltip is of type "any"
#1042 opened by martinszeltins - 2
Tooltip not hiding when clicking a link on new tab.
#1038 opened by charlesvtx - 0
`autoHide` extremely confusing
#1040 opened by rockmandash - 4
Popover becomes sticky
#1003 opened by RAIbrahim360 - 0
- 11
Hydration issues - Nuxt 3/Vue 3
#1006 opened by jawngee - 1
Accessibility: the active tooltip loses the ability to dismiss it with "escape" key when autoHide: true and noAutoFocus: true
#1027 opened by nnoack-bh - 0
.mjs package "currently no loaders are configured to process this file" error on webpack
#1032 opened by marcos-parivedasolutions - 0
- 2
[plugin:vite:vue] Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.
#1029 opened by mudmixer-wes - 0
Bottom position as fallback
#1025 opened by Bartek20 - 20
VDropdown unit testing with vue-test-utils
#996 opened by dirago - 0
Popover v-close-popover no longer closes the popover.
#1022 opened by RoyvanEmpel - 8
@click not fired in elements inside a v-close-popper
#1015 opened by afv - 5
- 1
Using VTooltip Component Not Working
#1020 opened by wendybujalski - 0
Vue 3 Warning
#1018 opened by aminebenaddi-centris - 0
body class
#1016 opened by paulocastellano - 1
- 3
Global Configuration Nuxt3 Vue3
#1001 opened by JokerMartini - 1
Images not rendering in tooltip
#1004 opened by Stanzilla - 0
ArrowOverflow has no affect
#1002 opened by JokerMartini - 0
Input not working inside Vue Final Modal & VDropdown
#1000 opened by mateusz-wyka - 0
Dropdown isn't hidden
#997 opened by callisto1337 - 2
Compatibility issues with vue/compat
#995 opened by nikospapcom - 0