
An app to allow users to discover the most popular movies. It displays a scrolling grid of movie trailers, launches a details screen whenever a particular movie is selected, allows users to save favorites, play trailers, and read user reviews.

Primary LanguageJava

🔹 Project Year: 2017 🔹

(Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Project 1 and 2)

Popular Movies: Android App for Discovering Popular Movies

An app to allow users to discover the most popular movies. It displays a scrolling grid of movie trailers, launches a details screen whenever a particular movie is selected, allows users to save favorites, play trailers, and read user reviews.

  • Technologies: Java, XML, SQLite
  • Platform Features: Content Provider, AsyncTask, Loader, RecyclerView, Shared Preferences
  • Libraries: Android Support, OkHttp, Picasso,
  • Tools and OS : Android Studio, Ubuntu
  • Platform: Android 4.0+
  • Modules: Movies, Favorites
  • Lines of Code: 1904
  • Duration: 1 Week (NOV 2017)



API Key Insertion

Insert API Key in <your_home_directory>/.gradle/gradle.properties file as follows.
