
FoodDsy - A restaurant website made with Js , html ,css with functional cart option .

Primary LanguageCSS

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Welcome to THE FOODSY, where culinary artistry meets exceptional dining. THE FOODSY is more than just a restaurant; it's a celebration of flavour and creativity. Our talented chefs, driven by passion and precision, curate each dish using only the freshest, locally sourced ingredients. Whether you're craving the comfort of classic favourites or the excitement of innovative cuisine, our menu offers a delightful array of options to suit every palate.

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Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Git must be installed on your operating system.

Run Locally

To run FoodDsy locally, run this command on your git bash:

Linux and macOS:

sudo git clone https://github.com/Rachit4039/FoodDsy


git clone https://github.com/Rachit4039/FoodDsy


This project is free to use and does not contain any license.

Open Source Programs

GSSOC Logo VSOC 2024
This project is part of Vinyasa Summer of Code. We warmly welcome contributions from the community to help elevate FoodDsy.



Tip from us 😇

It always takes time to understand and learn. So, don't worry at all. We know you have got this! 💪

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