Masterchef of Machine Learning and AI - Homecook of Design and Software Development
Bennett UniversityIndia
Pinned Repositories
Hey fellow learners, This repository contains all of the practice / reference notebooks that I have worked on while learning artificial intelligence. If you do find it useful, give this repository a star and if you encounter any improvements or problems with the notebooks just submit an issue I'll assign it to you.
This is a facial recognition and authentication system in python.
This code repository contains a WhatsApp chatbot built using the OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model and the Baileys library. This chatbot is capable of generating responses to user input based on the context of the conversation. Additionally, the chatbot has a custom prompt engineering to answer like human being based on yours truly.
Bennett Hub is a social media application exclusively designed for the students of Bennett University. This application would be a blessing for many who want to expand their social circle and make new friends including their batchmates, students from different courses, their seniors, their juniors basically all who are part of the university.
JustDm is an E-commerce Application to Deliver Food and Products from all around Bennett. JustDm is an amazing Delivery Service Co-Founded by Samarth Jhunjhunwala and Aviral Aggarwal. While scrambling ideas to implement for the hackathon, we felt hungry and ordered snacks from his service for the very first time and we absolutely fell in love with the idea. That's when we decided to create an application to make the lives of Bennettians easier.
It is often said that robots don’t have emotions, while that technically stands true to this day, we are progressing towards an age where robots can now recognize human emotions and respond to those emotions accordingly. Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning, I created a python script that can recognize human emotions and act as a friend to help understand what we are actually feeling.
Using data from IBM and JKF International Airport, we created a regression model that can predict visibility range depending on the many climatic factors that were discovered.
I created an open source python script to visualize various types of sorting algorithms with the help of TKinter library
AkshatRastogi-1nC0re's Repositories
Bennett Hub is a social media application exclusively designed for the students of Bennett University. This application would be a blessing for many who want to expand their social circle and make new friends including their batchmates, students from different courses, their seniors, their juniors basically all who are part of the university.
Hey fellow learners, This repository contains all of the practice / reference notebooks that I have worked on while learning artificial intelligence. If you do find it useful, give this repository a star and if you encounter any improvements or problems with the notebooks just submit an issue I'll assign it to you.
Using data from IBM and JKF International Airport, we created a regression model that can predict visibility range depending on the many climatic factors that were discovered.
This code repository contains a WhatsApp chatbot built using the OpenAI GPT-3.5 language model and the Baileys library. This chatbot is capable of generating responses to user input based on the context of the conversation. Additionally, the chatbot has a custom prompt engineering to answer like human being based on yours truly.
I created an open source python script to visualize various types of sorting algorithms with the help of TKinter library
The goal of this project is to create a machine learning models in order to forecast which people survived the shipwreck. The response variable Survived will be modeled in specific, given 10 different predictors. The rest of this paper goes through the procedures that were used to create the predictive model. We'll create models to forecast which individuals are more likely to survive. Also, compare the models to see which is the most effective.
SearXNG is a free internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases. Users are neither tracked nor profiled.
This repository contains a flask application, that takes input as the path of the dataset file, and gives a complete probabilistic, visual and descriptive analysis of that dataset. This information can be used in the creation and optimization of Machine Learning/ Deep Learning models.
This repository contains a flask application, that takes input as the path of the dataset file, and gives a complete probabilistic, visual and descriptive analysis of that dataset. This information can be used in the creation and optimization of Machine Learning/ Deep Learning models.
JustDm is an E-commerce Application to Deliver Food and Products from all around Bennett. JustDm is an amazing Delivery Service Co-Founded by Samarth Jhunjhunwala and Aviral Aggarwal. While scrambling ideas to implement for the hackathon, we felt hungry and ordered snacks from his service for the very first time and we absolutely fell in love with the idea. That's when we decided to create an application to make the lives of Bennettians easier.
Dynamic realtime profile ReadMe linked with spotify
Official Research Page for Hardware Trojan Prediction (HTPRED) Dataset.
The community maintained Solana token registry
Paginate NFTs of a Solana Wallet using Metaplex JS SDK v 0.11.5 Starter Template