Electronic Voting System

Hey! This is Akshata A Bhat! 👋👋

This is my project developed for Microsoft Engage 2022. This is an electronic voting machine based on an Ethereum Blockchain with Face Recognition Authentication.

1. Face Recognition: 🖥 🖥

I have developed a GUI-based application for face recognition.

To run the code for face recognition:

  git clone {Face Recognition folder}

Go to the project directory

  cd Face Recognition

Install requirements

  pip install -r  requirements.txt

Run The python file

  python app-gui.py

The model captures 300 images of the user's face and stores it in the folder by the user's name. Then the model is trained based on the captured images. Then, the model predicts the face based on the trained model.

Screenshot 2022-05-29 221845

Screenshot 2022-05-29 221928

Screenshot 2022-05-29 223648

Screenshot 2022-05-29 223029

2. Blockchain Election App: 🗳🗳

  git clone {Voting Dapp folder}

Go to the project directory

  cd Voting Dapp

Install requirements

ganache-cli truffle framework


Deploy the smart contract

  truffle migrate

Start the development server

  npm start

Screenshot 2022-05-29 235619

Screenshot 2022-05-29 235606

Screenshot 2022-05-29 235503

Screenshot 2022-05-29 235325

Due to some technical issues, I was unable to integrate the Face Authentication with the Voting Dapp. However, it is a work in progress and I will be implementing the face recognition in the next iteration of the project. 🙌