
Tutorial on how to create a Kubernetes cluster with full CI/CD with Wercker

Primary LanguageGo

wercker status

CI / CD on Oracle Managed Kubernetes Cluster - OKE & Wercker

This tutorial shows you how to create a production quality Kubernetes cluster on Oracle Cloud and then setup full CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous deployment) into the Kubernetes cluster.

This project is executed using Oracle Kubernetes Engine and Oracle Container Registry Service powering the infrastructure while Wercker and this Git repo powers the CI/CD pipeline.

Getting started

Repo Structure

  1. Kubernetes Directory Contains the deployment templates and the ingress controller
  2. Wercker.yml file contains the information for Build and deployment
  3. The main directory contains a go program that exposes a webservice on port 5000

Wercker Custom Env Variables

  • These values need to be changed in the wercker account where the workflow is configured.
  • These variables are not pipeline specific but workflow specific and globally accessible across pipelines.
  • The first three env variables are declared specific to Oracle Cloud Container Registry and Mangaed OKE Parallems.
  • Please modify the placeholders for the env variables in wercker.yml and the corresponding Kubernetes templates and the env variables in your wercker account.
Name of Env Variable Explanation
API_USER_TOKEN Authentication for User
TENANCY_NAME Name of Tenancy where OKE is hosted
PRIVATE_REGISTRY_PATH Enpoint of Private Registry
REPO_NAME Name of Repository within registry
APP_NAME Name of Application
SLACK_URL Url of slack webhook for publication
SLACK_CHANNEL Channel ID to post notifications
SLACK_USERNAME Slack User name for auth
SLACK_TOKEN Slack Token for Auth
KUBE_ENDPOINT Cluster End Point - refr kubeconfig
KUBE_USER_TOKEN Token provided in Kubeconfig

Feature Set

  • Added Random Cities Generation while accessing webservice.
  • Removed Kubeconfig from repo and configured it as an Env Variable in Wercker
  • Added Slack Chatbot Integration