
Convert xml files to json format file compatible with ELK

Primary LanguagePython


Convert xml files to json format file compatible with ELK

Can give the Json file as stdout or with the <job_name>_<job_number>.json file


-s (Optional) : generates json data with the <job_name>_<job_number>.json file

Time taken by the script to execute with argument

time python Assessment1.py -s
    real	0m10.131s
    user	0m8.870s
    sys	0m0.865s

Time taken by the script to execute without argument

time python Assessment1.py
    real	0m5.857s
    user	0m5.625s
    sys	0m0.172s

pep8 clean code

pycodestyle --first Assessment.py

Note: This is only for the Assessment purpose. No files have been attached to this repo except the script and the o/p files. To execute this script and get the o/p, put it in the path where the assignment folder is present.