Our OSCP repo: from popping shells to mental health.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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			       ---- lynxes just wanna have fun ----


We maintain this repo with the aim to gather all the info that we’d found useful and interesting for the OSCP. We also collect material from other resources (websites, courses, blogs, git repos, books, etc).

Before continue: we are still working on this repo as we go on with our OSCP journey. This means we'll add or remove parts without giving notice. Furthermore, this is not intended to be a comprehensive repo, cross-reference and information gathering are your friends.


How to navigate the repo

The repo is structured by this way:

|── Box template
├── Methodologies
├── README.md
└── troubleshooting.md
  • Box template: here you can see how we organize our work flow
  • Methodologies: here you can find a checklist for each phase (recon/enum, postexploit, privesc, etc)
  • README: where you can find a list of useful links
  • troubleshooting.md: is a ledger to record all the tecnhical issues:solution we have found along the way

Be aware: we use Obsidian as note taking application. This justifies the directory structure and how we format files. We think the graph view provided by Obsidian is a pleasant way to have a visual view of the data we gather. So if you use our checklists, we suggest you run them on Obsidian for a better experience.

Official Offensive Security References



GitHub repos



Playing with SQL

Genereal useful resources

Buffer Overflow




Linux Capabilities


Automation scripts


Firefox extensions

Tip: You should create a dedicated profile for each browsing activity

Cheat sheets and Wordlists

Gamified Learning


Back to basics


Intermediate stuff

Room OSCP-Like

Buffer Overflow

Offensive Security Proving Grounds



Others from the web


Mental and Physical Health

Ok, this is not about popping shells, cracking codes, and launching exploits. Your health is more important than knowing how to pop a shell. If you are under burnout, if you can’t concentrate, if you can’t free your minds and visualize your target, all the above stuff is useless. You should find a spot to read the below links and do your own research. The InfoSec community is an enormous family, you’ll always find someone ready to help you.