If I have to describe my project , in simple words , it would be an educational website or app, but not just that , it would be the best website or app , a person or organisation can ever ask for . It will have many features including VideoLectures , Theory/Notes , TestSeries , DataAnalysis of results , Blogs to motivate or for Guidance , Attendance System and many more features. We would also deploy it , so that it can be a real-time working project and it would help everyone to gain a lot of experience and learning curve for this project would also be great . It would also have the best design which would make it interactive as well as attractive .
- 0
Cannot find module './utils'
#222 opened by superzym - 5
#209 opened by Akshima-Ghai - 3
Features Video
#221 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 4
- 3
concurrently start
#200 opened by VenomFate-619 - 0
Feature Section Cards Width
#138 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 0
- 0
[FrontEnd] SideDrawer Fix
#175 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 0
- 0
Responsiveness Issues in GetStarted Page
#206 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 2
VideoLectures Page
#210 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 2
Add animation to "Back to top" button
#203 opened by deeqakkk - 1
Fix "dark-mode" toggle button.
#192 opened by deeqakkk - 2
"Back to top" button in get started page
#204 opened by deeqakkk - 8
Add hover effect in "Get Started section"
#157 opened by deeqakkk - 2
Update GitHub icon's color in hover effect.
#198 opened by deeqakkk - 0
- 3
#156 opened by VenomFate-619 - 0
- 1
Connect Login form to Backend API
#190 opened by ShwetKhatri2001 - 2
Connect SignUp Forms To Backend API
#184 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 8
- 1
Create forgot and reset password react forms
#187 opened by ShwetKhatri2001 - 0
Improve backend server .
#181 opened by AmanBisht01 - 1
Add .env.example file in the server directory
#185 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 1
- 1
[FrontEnd] Fix Footer Responsiveness
#173 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 1
Feature - Reset Password
#171 opened by ShwetKhatri2001 - 1
Making responsive student and teacher page
#166 opened by iamharshitpandeyy - 1
Side Drawer issue
#167 opened by iamharshitpandeyy - 2
Create a new test/quiz section.
#161 opened by deeqakkk - 2
- 0
Design a template for "Video lecture"(WireFraming)
#158 opened by deeqakkk - 2
- 0
- 1
Update Student and Teacher Model Scheme
#153 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 2
[BackEnd] Email already exist
#163 opened by NikhilSharma03 - 2
Navbar Button
#130 opened by Swastik1710 - 4
Change Scroll Bar style in our webiste.
#123 opened by deeqakkk - 4
Fix positon of "back to top " button in mobile view.
#112 opened by deeqakkk - 5
- 2
Navbar with Headroom.js
#137 opened by Harshal0902 - 1
Add student and teacher signup routes
#141 opened by ShwetKhatri2001 - 2
NavBar Responsiveness in both dark and light mode
#136 opened by urmi-256 - 2
Creating backend server
#133 opened by ShwetKhatri2001 - 1
Fix navbar and add design in dark mode button
#127 opened by AmanBisht01 - 4
Add a suitable "Favicon"
#124 opened by deeqakkk - 0
FIx nav-bar
#128 opened by AmanBisht01 - 2
- 3
Apply dark theme in All section
#119 opened by AmanBisht01