
An actively maintained JSON & txt List containing 10'000+ malicious Domains which are used for phishing on Discord.

MIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ Discord Phishing Links

A JSON list of malicious links with domains unique domains which are used for phishing on Discord.


This Repository is in maintanance mode and will no longer be actively maintained. While we appreciate your contributions, we will only merge pull requests that adhere to the format specified in the CONTRIBUTING.md

We understand that you may still find value in this project, and we encourage you to fork it or use it as a reference for your own work. If you encounter any critical issues, please feel free to open a bug report, but please note that it may not be actively addressed.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

NPM Package

The JSON is the source of the NPM Package stop-discord-phishing. Feel free to check it out!


This list will be updated every day, if you have domains that are not on that list, feel free to create a Pull Request or an Issue, we will add them as soon as possible!

  • Feel free to support this project by starring this repo!
  • Contributions are welcome! Read the CONTRIBUTING.md before submitting a pull request!


Removing a Domain

If your domain was listed as being involved in phishing due to your site being hacked or some other reason, please create a False Positive Issue. It unfortunately happens to many website owners.

The domain in this repo no longer exists

We don't plan on removing links even if they no longer resolve to a valid IP/webpage, as they are and were still created for phishing. However, if by chance any of these domains are acquired by Discord themselves for legitimate purpose, feel free to create an Issue on that & we will update it accordingly!

Known missing domains

Domain Reason
ord.gg Cause for some false positive flags


Huge thanks to these repositories and API's that allow us to maintain such a huge list of domains.