
Simple programs for reference, a good place to start contributing. Note: This repo is often used to help first-time contributors make their first contributions in talks, workshops

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

❗ Notice

This repo is now read-only.

This repo has come a long way. It has helped

  • Engage with workshop participants and new contributors
  • Explain Issues, PRs, Discussions, and other GitHub features
  • Experiment with the ins and outs of Git and Repo management

However - as all good things, this too must come to an end. I won't be able maintain this repo further, but to preserve a record of the journey of its contributors, I'll set this to public archive. Thanks for sticking with this project thus far!

Old Readme

Reference Compilation

forthebadge forthebadge

A reference compilation for python and a good place to start contributing! If you're new to this project, please go through the CONTRIBUTING.md

Is this your first time contributing?

You can contribute to this project in three ways:

  1. Raising an issue
  2. Start a discussion
  3. Open a pull request (a.k.a a PR)

Feel free to @ me for any clarifications!