
A starter kit for GitHub Actions - Open to Hackoberfest 2021 contributions

MIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Actions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GitHub Actions? GitHub Actions is a CI/CD tool that helps you automate tasks within the SDLC. GitHub Actions are event-driven - you can run a series of commands when a specified event occurs.
Why use GitHub Actions? GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate workflows that build, test, and deploy your code directly from GitHub. It helps streamline repetitive tasks like code reviews, branch management, and issue triaging work the way you want.
Who is GitHub Actions for? Anyone who wants to automate anything on GitHub.
Do you want to deploy your portfolio on GitHub Pages? Or maybe you want send a "thank you" message to each first-time contributor? What if you want to automate tests on your opensource project to impress your interviewer?
GitHub Actions has you covered. Can't see your use case here? Maybe you can find it in the Marketplace



  • 5 min Tutorial
    • Intro to YAML
    • Covers the basic syntax required for a simple action
  • Linter
    • Checks validity and catches errors
    • Outputs a cleaner UTF-8 version

GitHub Actions:

This should be enough to get you started! If you want to contribute to this starter kit, feel free to raise an issue