
A python module to access and utilize Beta Discord VC Party features like YouTube, Poker Night, etc. with your Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial module used to access Discord's Beta features like YouTube, Poker Night, etc. with your Bot



  • Super Easy to use!
  • Supports discord.py
  • Better error handling with custom and discord.py's inbuilt Exceptions Type Hinting and proper Documentation
  • discord.py like Docs making it easy to read the docs for existing discord.py users
  • Supports Logging

Currently Supported Applications are:

  • YouTube Together (youtube)
  • CG 2 DEV (chess)
  • Betrayal.io (betrayal)
  • Poker Night (poker)
  • Fishington.io (fishing)


  • Python 3.6 or higher is required
  • discord.py V1.5.0 or higher is required

To install the library, simply run the following command in your terminal:

# Windows
py -m pip install dcactivity

# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install dcactivity


To use the library, you must first import it into your script and create a new instance of the DCActivity class:

from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)

To create the invite link, you need to use create_link() function:

link = await bot.dcactivity.create_link(voice_channel, app_id)
  • voice_channel: The Voice channel you want to create the invite link for. Can be Channel ID or discord.VoiceChannel object

  • app_id: The Application ID of the Voice Channel game. For this, you need to follow either of the three steps:

    • Import DCApplication from dcactivity:

      from dcactivity import DCApplication
      invite = await bot.dcactivity.create_invite(voice_channel, DCApplication.youtube) # or DCApplication.poker, etc.
    • Directly use Application Name or ID (use ID only if you know the exact ID of an activity):

      invite = await bot.dcactivity.create_invite(voice_channel, 'youtube') # or poker, chess, etc.



# bot.py

from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity, DCApplication

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
dcactivity = DCActivity(bot) # or "bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)" to use it as a BotVar

async def youtube(ctx, channel: VoiceChannel):
    invite = await dcactivity.create_invite(channel, DCApplication.youtube)
    await ctx.send(invite)


Bot with Cogs:

  • bot:

    # bot.py
    from discord import VoiceChannel
    from discord.ext import commands
    from dcactivity import DCActivity
    bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
    bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot)
    bot.load_extension('cogs.cog') # Simple Example with Cog
    bot.load_extension('cogs.cog_advanced') # Advanced Example with Cog
  • cog (simple):

    # cog.py
    from discord import VoiceChannel
    from discord.ext import commands
    from dcactivity import DCApplication
    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        def __init__(self, bot):
            self.bot = bot
        async def youtube(self, ctx, channel: VoiceChannel):
            invite = await self.bot.dcactivity.create_invite(channel, DCApplication.youtube)
            await ctx.send(invite)
    def setup(bot):
  • cog (advanced):

    # cog_advanced.py
    from typing import Optional
    from discord import VoiceChannel
    from discord.ext import commands
    from dcactivity import DCApplication
    from dcactivity.errors import InvalidChannel
    class MyAdvancedCog(commands.Cog):
        def __init__(self, bot):
            self.bot = bot
        async def custom_link(self, ctx, channel=None):
            if not channel:
                if not ctx.author.voice:
                    return await ctx.send('You need to connect to a voice channel first')
                if not isinstance(ctx.author.voice.channel, VoiceChannel):
                    return await ctx.send('This feature is not supported in Stage Channels.')
                _channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
                _channel = channel
            invite = await self.bot.dcactivity.create_invite(
                _channel, DCApplication.youtube, max_age=0, max_uses=10)
            await ctx.send(invite)
        async def custom_link_error(self, ctx, exc):
            exc = getattr(exc, 'original', exc)
            if isinstance(exc, InvalidChannel):
                await ctx.send('Invalid Channel given as argument.')
    def setup(bot):


  • A minimum of one person needs to click on the invite link to start the Voice Channel Activity.
  • Activity resets when everyone exits. Though it can again be joined from the same link but from the starting and not getting resumed.
  • Games like chess/betrayal may not work in Stable Client for now. To use them, you need install Discord PTB or Discord Canary Client or use them in the web browser.
  • Play/Spectate Button don't work if no one has already joined the Activity. Though after atleast 1 user joins the Activity (by clicking the link), the buttons works fine for other users.


This package is licensed under MIT License. Any contributions are welcomed.

Need to contribute? Just Open a Pull Request with your changes and some information about your changes.

Found a bug or having an issue? Open an Issue at Github!
