
A School Management System (School Assignment)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

School Management System

A Django + Next.js powered School Managament Web Application System equipped with various features!

Status: Paused Development

The site isn't 100% ready to be used practically (neither it is recommended to do so) but still works just fine. It is an educational project and is not meant to be used in production (unless you know what you're doing). I have to pause (or maybe stop?) it's development due to examinations, and since it was an assignment, I'll have to submit it now anyways. There are some known (minor) bugs to be fixed later but most of the site is still operable.

Table of Contents


  • Secure
  • REST API based
  • Optimized for performance
  • JWT Authentication System with Refresh Tokens
  • Supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • Light + Dark Mode
  • Student, Teacher, Management and Admin Dashboard
  • Create Users, Classes, Subjects, Assignments
  • Uses (mostly) Material UI
  • ... and a lot more!


Click to expand

There are more images than the ones mentioned here, and even more features than images! These are some of the preview images of how the site looks. Check out more in the images directory of the project.

Home Page

Home Page (Dark)

Contact Us

Contact Us (Dark) Contact Us (Light)

Admin Dashboard - Create User

Admin Dashboard - Create User (Dark) Admin Dashboard - Create User (Light)

Admin Dashboard - Search User

Admin Dashboard - Search User (Dark) Admin Dashboard - Search User (Light)

Profile Page

Profile Page (Dark)


  • Python 3.9 or above
  • Node.js 16 or above
  • PostgreSQL 13 or above (or MySQL 8.0 or above)
  • Redis 3.0 or above

The project is originally created on software versions listed above and is not tested on other versions. So there might be chances that the project also works fine with different versions.

Setup Guide

  • Install and setup Redis and PostgreSQL (or MySQL).

  • The project uses Poetry as the default package manager, so it is recommended to have poetry installed in your system. In case you prefer to use Pip instead of poetry, refer to Using pip as the package manager.

  • Git clone the repository and switch the current directory to the project directory

    git clone https://github.com/AkshuAgarwal/SchoolManagementSystem
    cd SchoolManagementSystem
  • Install the required Packages:

    • Python:

      poetry install

      [Windows]: In case the ValueError occurs while installing the packages, you can try deleting the AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\artifacts directory and retry installation. More Info Github Issue / StackOverflow Answer

      Refer to Using pip as the package manager to setup using pip instead.

    • Node.js:

      npm install
  • Setup Credentials and Variables:

  • Setup Database

    • Run the given command to migrate the database to create required tables:

      poetry run python manage.py migrate
  • Create Super User:

    Note: If you just want to test the site, you can instead generate some pseudo data by using generatesampledata command. Refer to Generating Sample Data for a detailed guide.

    Or if you're running the site in production, you should create some superusers beforehand to access the site and admin panel, using the guide below:

    • To create one, run:

      poetry run python manage.py createsuperuser

      or (if using pip):

      # Unix/macOS
      python manage.py createsuperuser
      # Windows
      py manage.py createsuperuser

      and fill the fields accordingly.

  • Start the project:

    • Start Redis Server on the given url listed in .env.

    • Make sure the PostgreSQL/MySQL server is running on the same credentials mentioned in .env.

    • Open a terminal and start the Django server:

      poetry run python manage.py runserver

      or (if using pip):

      # Unix/macOS
      python manage.py runserver
      # Windows
      py manage.py runserver
    • Open another terminal and start Next App:

      npm run dev

      To run the server on custom port, add the port number with argument -p, like:

      npm run dev -p 8080

      The default port is 3000.

    • And your site is ready to go 🚀

You don't need to take care of creating .venv yourself! Poetry automatically creates a venv in your project directory. If you're using pip instead of poetry, you may need to refer to Using pip as the package manager for handling .venv creation and usage.

You don't need to take care of creating any required directories by yourself. Django automatically checks for the required directories and creates them (if missing).

How to Setup Credentials

  • .env

    • PRODUCTION - Whether to run the server in Production (true) or in Development (false)

    • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY - A Secret key used by Django.

      To generate one, run:

      poetry run python manage.py generatesecretkey

      or (if using pip):

      # Unix/macOS
      python manage.py generatesecretkey
      # Windows
      py manage.py generatesecretkey

      and copy-paste the key. You can also create a strong secret key yourself!

      Note that this key is generated by Django automatically. For production, you should create your own secret key instead of using this command.

    • DJANGO_PROTOCOL - Protocol to run the Django Server on (http/https)

    • DJANGO_HOSTNAME - Host Name to run the Django Server on

    • DJANGO_PORT - Port to run the Django Server on

    • ALLOWED_HOSTS - Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS Setting. For setting multiple values, separate every item by a comma. Example: ".localhost,,[::1]"

    • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS - Django Cors Headers CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS setting. For setting multiple values, separate every item by a comma. Example: ",http://localhost:3000"

    • CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS - Django's CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting. For setting multiple values, separate every item by a comma. Example: ",http://localhost:3000"

    • ANALYZE - [Development Only] Enables the @next/bundle-analyzer to analyze bundle size. (true/false)

    • SITE_URL - URL of the frontend site

    • DB_ENGINE - Database Engine to use (mysql/postgresql)

    • DB_HOST - Database Host Name

    • DB_PORT - Database Port

    • DB_USER - Database User

    • DB_PASS - Database Password

    • DB_NAME - Database Name

    • REDIS_URL - URL on which the redis server is running

    • EMAIL_CONNECTION - Connection to use when talking to SMTP server. (tls/ssl). More Info tls / ssl

    • FROM_EMAIL - Default email address to use for various automated correspondence from the site manager(s).

    • EMAIL_HOST - Host to use for sending the email

    • EMAIL_PORT - Port the use for the SMTP server

    • EMAIL_HOST_USER - Username to use for the SMTP server

    • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD - Password to use for the SMTP server

    • EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX - Subject-line prefix for email messages sent with django.core.mail.mail_admins or django.core.mail.mail_managers. You’ll probably want to include the trailing space

  • constants.json

    • SCHOOL_NAME - Name of the School (will be displayed in Frontend)

    • TIME_ZONE - Time Zone for Django

    • PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT - No. of seconds the Password Reset Link will be valid for

    • FOOTER_TEXT - Text to be displayed in Footer (in frontend)

Generating Sample Data

  • If you want to test the site, you may need to have some data preloaded in your database for most features of the site to work. Creating every set of data manually might be a hassle and time-consuming. For this, the application comes with a command to help you generate some minimal required data automatically!

  • To generate the data, run:

    poetry run python manage.py generatesampledata

    or (if using pip):

    # Unix/macOS
    python manage.py generatesampledata
    # Windows
    py manage.py generatesampledata

    and it'll automatically load the data into the database without any hassle!

Note: You must use a newly created database and not run this command twice with the same database as it may cause data collisions and improper data.

You can use the credentials from the tables below to log into and operate the site.

The data generated by the command (Click to expand):

S. No. Username First Name Last Name Email ID User Type Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Password
1 admin_1 Admin (1) User admin_1@localhost.com Admin 1970-01-01 Male +123456789011 AUser1@123
2 admin_2 Admin (2) User admin_2@localhost.com Admin 1970-01-02 Female +123456789012 AUser2@123
S. No. Username First Name Last Name Email ID User Type Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Password
3 parent_1 Parent (1) User parent_1@localhost.com Parent 1970-01-03 Male +123456789021 PUser1@123
4 parent_2 Parent (2) User parent_2@localhost.com Parent 1970-01-04 Female +123456789022 PUser2@123
5 parent_3 Parent (3) User parent_3@locahost.com Parent 1970-01-05 Male +123456789023 PUser3@123
S. No. Username First Name Last Name Email ID User Type Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Password Parent's Username Grade ID Roll No. Year of Enroll Fee
6 student_1 Student (1) User student_1@localhost.com Student 1970-01-06 Female +123456789031 SUser1@123 parent_1 1 1 2020 10000
7 student_2 Student (2) User student_2@localhost.com Student 1970-01-07 Male +123456789032 SUser2@123 parent_1 10 2 2010 20000
8 student_3 Student (3) User student_3@localhost.com Student 1970-01-08 Female +123456789033 SUser3@123 parent_2 45 1 2015 25000
S. No. Username First Name Last Name Email ID User Type Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Password Subject ID Year of Joining Salary Classes IDs Owns Class ID
9 teacher_1 Teacher (1) User teacher_1@localhost.com Teacher 1970-01-09 Male +123456789041 TUser1@123 1 2010 10000 1, 2, 3, 4 4
10 teacher_2 Teacher (2) User teacher_2@localhost.com Teacher 1970-01-10 Female +123456789042 TUser2@123 5 2015 30000 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 40, 41 22
11 teacher_3 Teacher (3) User teacher_3@localhost.com Teacher 1970-01-11 Male +123456789043 TUser3@123 6 2016 75000 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 10, 12, 14 45
S. No. Username First Name Last Name Email ID User Type Date of Birth Gender Contact No. Password Year of Joining Salary Role
12 management_1 Management (1) User management_1@localhost.com Management 1970-01-12 Female +123456789051 MUser1@123 1990 1000000 Receptionist
13 management_2 Management (2) User management_2@localhost.com Management 1970-01-13 Male +123456789052 MUser2@123 2000 50000 Counsellor
14 management_3 Management (3) User management_3@localhost.com Management 1970-01-14 Female +123456789053 MUser3@123 1980 78000 Accountancy Manager
S. No. Grade Section
1 1 A
2 1 B
3 1 C
4 1 D
5 2 A
6 2 B
7 2 C
8 2 D
9 3 A
10 3 B
11 3 C
12 3 D
13 4 A
14 4 B
15 4 C
16 4 D
17 5 A
18 5 B
19 5 C
20 5 D
21 6 A
22 6 B
23 6 C
24 6 D
25 7 A
26 7 B
27 7 C
28 7 D
29 8 A
30 8 B
31 8 C
32 8 D
33 9 A
34 9 B
35 9 C
36 9 D
37 10 A
38 10 B
39 10 C
40 10 D
41 11 PCM
42 11 PCB
43 11 Com.
44 11 Hum.
45 12 PCM
46 12 PCB
47 12 Com.
48 12 Hum.
S. No. Name Code
1 Science 1
2 Mathematics 2
3 Physics 3
4 Chemistry 4
5 Biology 5
6 Social Science 6
7 History 7
8 Geography 8
9 Political Science 9
10 Economics 10
11 Accountancy 11
12 Business Studies 12
13 Hindi 13
14 English 14
15 French 15
16 Information Practices 16
S. No. Title Assigned By ID Assigned To ID Submission Date File Path Message
1 Assignment 1 9 1, 2, 6 1970-01-01 SampleData/file.txt This is the First Assignment
2 Assignment 2 10 2, 4 1970-01-02 SampleData/file.txt This is the Second Assignment
3 Assignment 3 11 5 1970-01-01 SampleData/file.txt This is the Third Assignment
4 Assignment 4 9 10 1970-01-01 SampleData/file.txt This is the Fourth Assignment
5 Assignment 5 10 45, 46 1970-01-04 SampleData/file.txt This is the Fifth Assignment
6 Assignment 6 11 46, 48 1970-01-01 SampleData/file.txt This is the Sixth Assignment

Using pip as the package manager

  • Pip by default does not create a virtual environment. If you're planning to use pip, you'll have to create it by yourself.

  • To create one, run the following command:

    # Unix/macOS
    python -m venv .venv
    # Windoes
    py -m venv .venv

    This will create a folder named .venv in your project root directory.

  • Activate the virtual environment using:

    # Unix/macOS
    source ./.venv/bin/activate
    # Windows

    To exit the environment, just type deactivate.

    After successfully installing and activating venv, you can now install the packages.

  • The project also comes with requirements.txt (and requirements.dev.txt for dev dependencies) by which you can install the packages. To install, just run:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • You have successfully installed packages using pip.

Note that to run any command mentioned above with poetry, you must activate the venv first and then directly use python or py to run scripts.