
Remote control /& gamepad & Gyroscope software. Made with Flutter & C#


Remote control /& gamepad & Gyroscope software. Made with Flutter & C#

Welcome stalker !

I know you are looking for source codes.


This is very basic project but i haven't published the source codes yet. Because you're probably going to download the source code and then run away without looking back.

Look buddy, this is free (Opensource) software. As you know don't get any income from opensource projects.

I am doing this for helping other programmers and for the mutual benefit of humanity. If you see a star a lot, I guess I have the right to hide the source code too.

I'm tired of no one gives a f.ck about what I do. I don't plan to publish source codes until this repo gets 200 stars.

In the meantime, you can spend your time with bombing "hello react" or "linux cheatsheet" repositories with thousands of stars .
