There are several endpoints:
- to create an event - DELETE
- to delete an event - GET
- to get all events - GET
- to get an event by id
Some details
I used Mapstract for mappers generation.
H2 database is used in this project in in-memory mode. You can use link http://localhost:8080/h2-console
to access H2 console. Login & password provided in application.properties
How to build executable jar
in project root directory run
./mvnw clean
./mvnw install
in directory you can find
How to build docker image
- build executable jar (see prev. How to build executable jar)
- in project root directory run
docker build -t event-project .
How to run docker container
- build docker image (see prev. How to build docker image)
- run command to publish a container's port to the host
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 event-project
Create an event
This is a POST request with body. Example body is provided below.
"name": "new Event",
"date": "2022-11-26",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "Germany",
"guests": [
"name": "Alla",
"email" : "alla@qq.com"
"name": "Peter",
"email" : "peter@qq.com",
"phone" : "+491700000000"
If there is no such country or city, 422 http code (UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
) will be returned.
field in Event
entity will be set to null
if there is no information about temperature on date.
Event object must contain name, date, city and country fields. If any of these fields is empty, 422 http code (UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
) will be returned .
Guest object must contain name and email fields. If any of these fields is empty, 422 http code (UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
) will be returned .
Delete an event
This is a DELETE request. Example request is provided below.
, where 1 - is the is an id of the event, that we want to delete.
If there is no such an event in DB, 204 http code (NO_CONTENT
) will be returned.
Get all events
This is a GET request. Example request is provided below.
Get an event by id
This is a GET request. Example request is provided below.
- where 1 - is the is an id of the event, that we want to get.
As long as the event with this id is persisted in the database, it will be returned, otherwise, a 400 HTTP code (BAD_REQUEST
) will be returned.