

RtMock is a library for generating mocks for writing unit tests.


This library requires swift-tools 5.9 and newer.


Swift Package Manager

Navigate to the SPM section in your project, add a new package, point it to this repository and choose necessary version.


To use this library first import it

import RtMock

For generating mock class add annotation @RtMock to a protocol declaration

protocol Foo {
    func f()
    var a: Int { get }

This will generate a class RtMockFoo that implements protocol. To mock some function call or some property use a corresponding generated field from mock class.

let mockedFoo = RtMockFoo()
mockedFoo.mocked_f_Void = { }
mockedFoo.mocked_a = 0


RtMock supports generating

  • functions with optional and generic parameters and return types
  • optional properties
  • overloaded functions

If function/property with no provided mock value was called during a test, that will trigger error during force unwrap.