
python selenium parallel tests in same browser or different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc

Primary LanguagePython


python selenium parallel tests in same browser or different browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc

check requirements.txt to see the necessary packages. To install all the packages in requirements.txt run this command

pip install -r requirements.txt

Steps to run tests in Parallel in One Browser Eg - all tests in Chrome:

open terminal navigate to the project folder

pytest -n 5 #there are 5 tests in this project


nosetests --processes=5

5 browsers will open and all the tests will run in parallel

Steps to run tests in Parallel in Different Browsers:

Open the project test files in an editor and change the "browserName" in each file under setUp method Eg: test_one.py - "browserName": "chrome" test_two.py - "browserName": "firefox" test_parallel.py - "browserName": "safari"

Save the files

open terminal navigate to the project folder

pytest -n 5 #there are 5 tests in this project


nosetests --processes=5