
IPC implementation for Node and Golang process

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package is a simple IPC implementation between Node and its child process (Golang binary) using the stdin / stdout as the transport.

  • Installation
  npm install ipc-node-go
  yarn add ipc-node-go
  • Useage
const IPC = require('ipc-node-go')
import IPC from 'ipc-node-go'

const ipc = new IPC('path-to-golang-bin')
// start the child process
let arg = ['some-flags', 'or-anything']
// send a message to go process
ipc.send('start-service', true)

//listen for and event
ipc.on('service-ready', someData => {
// send and get an acknoledgement via a callback
ipc.sendAndReceive('get-service-info', { id: 1 }, (error, data) => {
  // do whatever you want

IPC is an EventEmitter.

MIT License