
A prototype delivery routing system using A* search algorithm

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DeliverEase image

DeliverEase: A Prototype Delivery Routing System using A* Search Algorithm

DeliverEase is an innovative prototype routing system designed to streamline route planning for delivery riders. This system optimizes delivery routes to save time, reduce fuel consumption, and enhance efficiency, making the delivery process smoother and more reliable.

Project Structure

Root Directory

  • DeliverEase - Contains the main files for the DeliverEase prototype.

    • data - Folder containing data files.
      • intersection.js - Contains road intersection nodes data retrieved from the Overpass API.
      • orders.js - Manages order information including order IDs, addresses, and coordinates.
    • scripts - Folder containing JavaScript files.
      • astar.js - Implements A* search algorithm.
      • deliveries. - Defines the Deliveries class for managing delivery orders and their statuses.
      • intersections.js - Manages road intersections and their connections.
      • main.js - The main entry point of the application.
      • map.js - Handles the map display.
      • route.js - Contains logic for calculating and displaying the delivery routes on the map.
    • index.html - Main HTML file for the DeliverEase prototype.
    • logo.svg - Logo for the project.
    • style.css - Main CSS file for styling the DeliverEase prototype.
  • DeliverEase3D - Contains the 3D version of the project.

    • node_modules - Contains npm dependencies for the project.
    • public - Public directory for assets.
      • logo.svg - Logo for the project.
    • src - Source files for the 3D version of DeliverEase.
      • assets - Assets used in the project.
      • components - React components for the 3D version.
      • constants - Constants used across the project.
      • hoc - Higher Order Components.
      • utils - Utility functions.
      • App.jsx - Main React component.
      • index.css - CSS file for the project.
      • main.jsx - Main entry point for the React application.
      • styles.js - JavaScript file for styles.
    • .gitignore - Git ignore file.
    • index.html - Main HTML file for the 3D version of DeliverEase.
    • package-lock.json - Lock file for npm dependencies.
    • package.json - Package file for npm dependencies.
    • postcss.config.cjs - Configuration file for PostCSS.
    • tailwind.config.cjs - Configuration file for Tailwind CSS.
    • vite.config.js - Configuration file for Vite.
  • node_modules - Contains npm dependencies for the root project.

  • .gitignore - Git ignore file for the root project.

  • package-lock.json - Lock file for npm dependencies in the root project.

  • package.json - Package file for npm dependencies in the root project.

  • README.md - This README file.


  • Have Node.js installed in your system


npm install


npm run dev